“We are living one of the best periods of relations between Spain and Morocco” – Telquel.ma

On the occasion of the 25th edition of the Gnaoua and World Music Festival, the former President of the Spanish Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, gave an exclusive interview to TelQuel. He shares his thoughts on strategic issues for Spain and Morocco, such as regional stability, the co-organization of the 2030 World Cup, Spain’s role in the Sahara issue, and the importance of cultural exchanges.

As is : You often stress that the relationship with Morocco is essential for the stability of Spain. What do you think are the key elements that make this relationship so decisive?

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero : Indeed, I think that for Spain, the relationship with Morocco is essential in its foreign policy. Likewise, for Morocco, a good relationship with Spain is also essential in its foreign relations.

A strong relationship is always beneficial: Spain benefits from it, and so does Morocco. In terms of security, economy and human rights, especially those of migrants, this relationship plays a crucial role. It fosters ties between Europe and Africa and shows the world an example of how two neighbouring countries, with histories of friendship and conflict, with different cultures, can influence each other, in a positive way, towards peace, good understanding and affection that make them better and happier.

What additional impact could the co-organization of the 2030 World Cup by Morocco, Spain and Portugal have on these bilateral relations?

There are two obvious implications. First, the 2030 World Cup will require close cooperation between Morocco, Portugal and Spain, three friendly and peaceful countries. What is very important is that these countries love peace.

“We have to make it the best World Cup in history”

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

We will work together on a common project for which all three nations want it to be a success. We want to be proud of it. We need to make this the best World Cup in history. This is our challenge. And do you know what the best World Cup will be? The best will be the one that contributes the most to promoting peace and coexistence between cultures, thus generating great hope.

These World Cups arouse emotions, allow us to see each other. It is a great stimulus for everyone. I am very happy that Spain, Morocco and Portugal are organising a World Cup together. In fact, I am even jealous, because I would have liked to be part of it as President of the Government.

What is your vision of the current situation in the Sahara, and what specific role could Spain play, in your opinion, in promoting a peaceful and lasting solution?

History is sometimes a series of endless disagreements. I hope that in 2030, the World Cup will allow us to reach a definitive agreement, through a formula of great autonomy and coexistence. This will require a lot of effort, generosity, and reappropriation of the words dialogue and respect.

I think that Spain aspires to a major contribution to achieve this objective that the vast majority of the international community wishes: to put an end to this conflict and to open a new perspective for the Sahrawi people, for the region, and for the idea of peace. It’s so strong, so powerful, the idea of ​​finding yourself, of reconciling despite confrontations and conflicts. And of course, Spain will contribute to achieving this objective. The United Nations, Morocco, we must all work so that in 2030, we finally have peace.

What is your assessment of current Spanish-Moroccan relations and what, in your opinion, are the main challenges and opportunities facing our two countries?

There are two objective facts: we are currently experiencing one of the best periods in relations between Spain and Morocco, both commercially and politically. The commitment on the part of King Mohammed VI has always been strong, as much as that of the Spanish governments.

I believe that our intelligence must allow us to recognize that our relationships thrive when we work well together. Therefore, one of the main challenges is to strengthen this vision that unites Europe, Africa and Asia, and to build a new horizon of peace and global development. This would constitute an extraordinary contribution to peace and global development.

During the opening show of the Gnaoua Festival in Essaouira, the fusion of Moroccan and Spanish artists highlighted the similarities between Moroccan and Spanish instruments and dances. How important is this cultural encounter for Moroccan-Spanish relations?

What is most important is to turn to culture, a source of creativity, sensitivity and inspiration. Music, dance and art transcend conflicts and wars. This is why it is so important to understand that all cultures enrich each other. They feed off each other with other perspectives. This is their greatness.

And in culture, especially when we see as in this festival, this fusion, this union, we easily understand that we form only one diverse humanity, and fortunately so. Despite the differences in skin color and history, we are only one humanity. This is the greatness of culture.



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