A new adventure begins – The Manic

A new adventure begins – The Manic
A new adventure begins – The Manic

After more than 15 years of dedicated commitment to the Baie-Comeau Arts Centre, including seven years as general and artistic director, Marielle-Dominique Jobin is turning a new page in her career by becoming the general director of Embargo Spectacles. A look back at her career and her many upcoming projects.

Marielle-Dominique Jobin began her career at the Baie-Comeau Arts Center as a communications officer, before moving to a position of development officer and combining the two roles under the direction of Louis Morin.

Looking back on her career, she says she is fulfilled by the experiences she has had and the people she has met. “I have had extraordinary experiences and met fantastic people. It has been a lot of work, but a lot of passion. I have developed great friendships, because we are all very passionate, dedicated and dedicated in the world of show broadcasting.”

Marielle-Dominique spent nearly 16 years in the ranks of the Arts Center. When it comes time to take stock, she says she is proud to have been there for half the life of the organization. “The performance hall has been there for 32 years in November, that would have been 16 years for me. It’s a great part of my professional life, but also personal. »

Her seven years as general and artistic director were marked by many challenges and successes. “On June 21, it was 7 years ago and I remember the feeling of dizziness, because I had big shoes to fill from Lise Arsenault and Louis Morin. I knew it wouldn’t be a long, peaceful river, but a great challenge. It was two jobs diametrically opposed, general direction and artistic direction, but mixed together, it makes a beautiful blend,” she remembers.

A new step

The pandemic was a significant element, pushing Marielle-Dominique to look for a new wind. An opportunity at Embargo Spectacles, a company run by Simon Philibert, presented itself.

“I’ve known Simon Philibert for years and, by force of circumstance, his company. He wanted to create his own entertainment division and really push his projects further. They are interesting, motivating and he approached me for that. It’s a new job so there’s an element of mystery, it’s a leap into the void that’s still a bit scary, and I decided to try it and take a risk,” she says.

Marielle-Dominique is preparing to tackle this new adventure with enthusiasm by moving to the other side of the chain. “We will create and produce the shows that we want to broadcast in Quebec. Before, I was in broadcasting and now it’s me who will deal with broadcasters to offer our shows. I have the advantage of having the contacts, but above all, I know how to approach the broadcasters and what the reality is on both sides. »

She adds that “it’s really going to be in the creation, as opposed to the production. So it really leaves the door open to a world of possibilities and that’s very intoxicating.”

Exciting projects

At Embargo Spectacles, Ms. Jobin sees a multitude of motivating projects in the short, medium and long term. “There is something very challengeant and exciting to be able to contribute with my vision to the development of the company. Embargo has just acquired Sonorisation Trans Musical, so this is a new stage in the company’s history and I am arriving at the height of the company’s development and this is the fun because all opportunities are open.”

This transition is symbolic for someone who is marking a new milestone in her life at the dawn of her 40th birthday. “I’m approaching this with a lot of excitement, it’s a new stage in my life and it brings a lot of change. I like change in life and it’s more enthusiasm than stress. I can’t wait to see how far we can go and I think I’m going to be served.”

In the past, Marielle-Dominique has collaborated with Embargo to create and produce the Centre des arts’ anniversary shows. “We worked very closely together, so I know what they are capable of doing. These are important moments in the history of the venue, so this is the kind of show that we can redo and develop. »

Looking Back with Gratitude

Looking back, Marielle-Dominique expresses great gratitude for her time at the Arts Centre. “I worked extremely hard to get to where I am, having been given the directorship at 32 years old. I am proud of myself, I am proud of what I have accomplished and I am proud of my evolution. There is something very emotional in that because I am very attached to the Arts Centre, I grew up there, it is like home. But I find it healthy for an organization to change artistic direction and not stay in one seat longer than it should in order to bring in a new breath of life.”

To conclude, she thanks the loyal spectators of Baie-Comeau who have supported and accompanied her throughout all these years. “I am truly grateful to the spectators because they are the ones who make us live. I always kept in mind what people wanted to see and what they would be happy to discover. I always felt that the spectators were behind me and that a relationship of trust was developing. That was the goal and that they were there was the ultimate reward.”

With an already busy career and an exciting new adventure awaiting her, Marielle-Dominique Jobin continues to inspire with her dedication and passion for the arts.



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