Arles at the center of the world for the Photography Meetings which are starting

Arles at the center of the world for the Photography Meetings which are starting
Arles at the center of the world for the Photography Meetings which are starting

A highlight of the cultural summer in Provence, the Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles begins today with 41 exhibitions and more than 130 artists present. The Rencontres intend to look Beneath the surface things, as this 55th edition is titled, in reference to the words of the Japanese photographer Ishiuchi Miyakowinner of the Woman in Motion award: “To take a photograph is to make visible the invisible things that lie beneath the surface.”

As illustrated by the poster taken from the portrait of a submerged woman created by the Spanish artist Cristina De Middelfirst woman to head l’agence Magnum. His work on the migratory crossing from Mexico to California, Journey to the Centerdescribed as a heroic expedition, is exhibited at the Church of Preachers. Another big name, the American photojournalist and documentarian Mary Ellen Mark (1940-2015), whose first global retrospective returns, to Van Gogh Spaceparticularly on its spotlight on the margins, on invisible or excluded people such as sex workers. The French artist Sophie Callefor its first presence at the Rencontres, takes over the magical and humid place of cryptoportics to flirt with mushrooms, with his project To finish beautifully.



NEXT The Alpine Luge site was invested on July 14