Award-winning Colomiers comics festival announces its first guests

Award-winning Colomiers comics festival announces its first guests
Award-winning Colomiers comics festival announces its first guests

the essential
The first names of authors as well as the poster for the Colomiers comics festival, which will take place in November, have been revealed. The festival which highlights independent comics and young authors has just won an award.

The Colomiers BD festival will take place this year from November 15 to 17. This meeting for comic book lovers gives visibility to young authors and presents eclectic works published in independent publishing houses. The festival, which attracts nearly 20,000 visitors each year, promotes the excitement of creation, which earned it the Literary Action prize in June by the French Society of the Interests of Authors of the writing.

“The festival was created in 1987 with, at the beginning, only a fair bringing together publishing houses and comic book enthusiasts. Over the years, exhibitionsactivities, shows and projections were added. For the past ten years, we have turned even more towards young creation and independent publishing, making it the basis of our programming”, relates the festival’s organizing team.

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The poster for this new edition, already revealed, was created by Kristina Tzekova. The first names in the program were also announced, such as Jérémie Moreau, Marine Schneider and Anna Haifisch. Exclusive meetings with Émilie Tronche, director of animated films, Mirion Malle, feminist artist, or Fabcaro, screenwriter of an “Asterix” album, will be organized. Original activities are planned, including a comic book concert or the exhibition of a mural. One of the young authors, whose first book of comic literature was published during the year, will receive the “Very First Time” prize, and will be awarded €1,500.



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