The football festival in Châtellerault – VIENNA FOOTBALL DISTRICT

The football festival in Châtellerault – VIENNA FOOTBALL DISTRICT
The football festival in Châtellerault – VIENNA FOOTBALL DISTRICT

Lots of people, with more than 1700 people on the day, atmosphere, with a special mention to the supporters from Paiz, Beaumont and Vicq, colours, fair play, with in particular guards of honour at the end of each match and determination, of course, marked this beautiful edition of the senior departmental finals.

« LVienna celebrates football “. The press was not mistaken. The title of the sports newspaper of the Nouvelle République and Centre Presse celebrated the good performance of the finals which took place this year at the Montée Rouge sports complex, in Châtellerault. In addition to the five matches on the afternoon program, banda and entertainment, through a new supporters’ challenge, punctuated a day which was ultimately rather mild from a meteorological point of view compared to the forecasts.

Thanks to the volunteers and employees of SO Châtellerault and the Vienne District, co-organizers of these departmental finals, to the referees and delegates who played a decisive role in the smooth running of these finals, as well as to Grand Châtellerault for the loan of quality facilities.

The band “La Chips” provided the entertainment between the matches.


The first final of the afternoon pitted the reserve teams of Vicq-sur-Gartempe (2) and Beaumont Saint-Cyr (3) from 2 p.m. on the main field. Dominant throughout the meeting, notably through better technical mastery, the Beaumontois, 3rd in their group in Departmental 3, justified their favorite status on paper against the valiant Vicquois who never stopped to believe in their chances. It is thanks to the achievement of Thierfaine Boutault in the second act that the men of Benjamin Jamet and Nicolas Joyaux managed to take the measure of the blues and whites.

A few hours later, the fervent black and white kop, well organized upon its arrival at the Montée Rouge with smoke bombs, banners and songs, put on the warm-up blue for the Tassin Cup final. The flag team, resident of Regional 2, won by the same score thanks to Mathis Pacreau (1-0). Energy and heart according to his coach Teddy Delineau, happy to see his troops finish a stressful season on a good note. A season, which, for the club, will go down in history, with two cups for teams 1 and 3 and a move to the next level for the second and fourth reserves. President Jean-Yves Kaes could loudly proclaim the adage: “ ni couillon, ni champion, Beaumont c’est Beaumont. »

The Cup double crowns an exceptional Beaumont season.


The outcome of the first final scheduled on the annex ground took a long time to emerge. Broken, with a total of eleven yellow cards distributed, the match was initially in favor of the Chapelle Viviers without this being enough to spoil the scoreboard. They didn’t know it yet, but Guilloteau’s gang had missed their chance. Montamis’ youngsters, quicker, were hurting the experienced Chaplain defense more and more as the minutes passed. Foucher actually left them company to give his team the advantage (1-0, 49th). We then had to wait until the last minutes of play for Guilbaud to seal the yellow and black victory (2-0, 85th). After the 2014 coronation against the Vouglais reserve (3-0) and the defeat against Croutelle in 2017 (4-2), Brice Gauvrit and his protégés brought back the Marcel Renaudie challenge trophy to Montamisé.

The joy of the Montamiséens after the success against Chapelle-Viviers (2-0).

On the main pitch, the Petit Poucet paizéen could count on a kop that never stopped making itself heard to encourage their team towards victory, 18 years after the coronation of their elders in this same Jolliet-Rousseau Cup. This visibly gave them strength since they were the first to get into action, through Fortin who hit the post (2nd), Pasquet (9th) or Abreu (10th). The red and whites were rewarded by Bonnet’s opening goal (1-0, 67th), making the stands, largely won over to their cause, roar with joy. Stung to the quick, the Poitevins of the Gibauderie reacted quickly through Saïd Assani (1-1, 72nd) then Beaugendre (1-2, 79th), before Ndzaka killed all suspense at the end of added time (1-3, 90th+4). After having narrowly missed out on promotion to D2, the Gibauderie could legitimately express its joy and will certainly rely on this great victory to start the coming season with great certainties.

Poitiers Gibauderie turned the match around in the last quarter of an hour against the Paizéens who can be proud of their performance.


Sold out! There ” most beautiful of the Cups » departmental was played in front of a very good crowd on Saturday evening. To the speed of execution and the technical mastery of the Chauvinois, Vicq responded with his anger and determination, thus promising from the first minutes a match that had every chance of being undecided until the end. A recovery from Champain responded to a victorious header from the Vicquois Danton (0-1, 13th then 1-1, 23rd), before Laram took justice into his own hands on a penalty (2-1, 75th). By not having been able to kill the match, notably via the enormous opportunity of Fillaud who did not take advantage of the hazardous exit of Dechaud (78th), the Chauvinois were punished by Naturel. The Vicquois playmaker victoriously took a ball that was lying in the blood and gold surface to bring his team back to level (2-2, 87th), blowing up one of the side stands of the Montée Rouge, all won over by the blue and white supporters. Defeated last season by Château-Larcher, the penalty shootout lottery smiled this time on the Chauvinois (5-4) following the decisive save by goalkeeper Borsetto in front of Villeret de la Motte. Cruel for the one for whom the Montée Rouge was for a long time his second home.

A rejuvenated Chauvinois team won at the expense of Vicq-sur-Gartempe (2-2, tab 5-4).



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