Street scenes, in Olympic form! – M+

Street scenes, in Olympic form! – M+
Street scenes, in Olympic form! – M+

From Thursday July 4 to Sunday July 7, the Scènes de rue festival is making a comeback, all over the city. Programming, dates, new features… We tell you everything!

The Scènes de rue festival is THE unmissable event of the Mulhouse summer, which has marked generations of spectators since its creation in 1999. After an emphasis on young audiences, under the “Pop up” banner. , last year, Mulhouse residents’ favorite festival returns, in its original format. “This event is anchored in the hearts of Mulhouse residents, greets the mayor of Mulhouse, Michèle Lutz. It’s a real moment of sharing, which is aimed at all audiences! »

The dates

This year, Street Scenes will take place from Thursday July 4 to Sunday July 7. It will not have escaped the notice of regulars that the festival takes place earlier than usual. “The date was brought forward because of the Olympic Games”confides the mayor. Many resources, particularly in terms of security, will, in fact, be mobilized for the Olympic Games, complicating the simultaneous holding of several events in all four corners of France.


“Scènes de rue is the largest street arts festival in the region, due to its notoriety and attendanceassures Anne-Catherine Goetz, deputy mayor responsible for Culture. With its wide diversity of offerings, ranging from circus arts to street theater, including dance, it is accessible to everyone, young and old, and is a powerful engine of social cohesion! » This year, no fewer than 27 companies will present 30 shows, for an enchanted weekend around street arts, in all their forms. Among the (many) proposals: “Les gros patinent bien” by the company Le Fils du grand réseau, which won the Molière for best show for young audiences, in 2022; “Mr Patate” by the Cie Bancale, which stages an amputee artist for a show “moving but offbeat, which talks about disability in a light and simple way”, says the artistic director of the festival, Frédéric Rémy; “Johnny Forever” by Five Foot Fingers, which should delight fans of Johnny, the only one, Johnny Hallyday; “Bien Parado” by the La Méandre collective, which should thrill the audience with its dance performance… It’s impossible for us to detail each show but we’ll let you delve into the program for the details!

The young audience

Last year, the format of the Pop-up! Scènes de rue Jeune Public festival caused a lot of ink to flow. In 2024, Scènes de rue is back in a more classic form, but nevertheless enriched by last year’s experience. “We realize the need to address young audiences, it’s fundamental”, explains Frédéric Rémy. For this edition, a “PopUp!” label. » is affixed to shows aimed at young audiences and families, who will also benefit from a specific dedicated booklet, and a suitable welcome at the performance sites. Several shows benefit from this “PopUp!” label. »: “Surcouf (and then we will learn to swim)” from Cie Sacékripa, Not even afraid from the Affective Geography Agency, “Tsef zon(e)” from Cie C’hoari, “Caillasse” from Cie Le Guichet, “Do you feel the earth moving? » by Cirque Barbette, or even “Alyce’s Odyssey” by Cie Alsand…

Unusual places

If the heart of the festival beats in the city center and in particular in the courtyard of the Cour de Lorraine school, which hosts its famous bar, where customers repeat the shows (and the world) until the end of the night, these are no less than 21 venues which will host shows during the festival! From the unmissable Place de la Réunion to the Dornach fairgrounds, via the Drouot district, Place Franklin, or even the DMC district and the confidential Bois Lagrange, which will be the scene of the Sunday day, traditionally relocated. Also note that the shows “Surcouf (and afterwards we will learn to swim)” and “Third fern on the right” (from the Cie Pris dans les Phares) will be held respectively on the water and in the forest. Change of scenery guaranteed!

Participatory shows

Live performance involves interactions between artists and their audience. This year again, the public of Scènes de rue can become an actor in the festival, by going on stage for one or more shows. For its show “Fantôme”, halfway between a concert and a video projection, the La Méandre collective is looking for around ten participants, ideally women. If you are over 15 years old and you like dancing, it is also possible to participate in the XXL show by the Volubilis company, “Panique Olympique”, which links the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, contemporary dance and amateur practice. A hundred Mulhouse residents have already responded, why not you? All the practical information for participating in the shows is available by following these links: for “Fantôme”, for “Olympic Panic”.

Street Scenes Festival – young audience, from Thursday 4 to Sunday 7 July, various locations. Free.
+ information on Download the full program.



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