The children of Cirières design their new schoolyard

The children of Cirières design their new schoolyard
The children of Cirières design their new schoolyard

The Les Abeilles de Cirières school called on the Council for Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment (CAUE) to plant greenery in its spaces, create cooler areas, relaxation, play and educational areas and improve water management to enable the awakening and well-being of children.

The CAUE ensures awareness-raising, training, advice and information to carry out projects that promote quality of life.

Work in summer 2023

Launched in 2023 by the municipality of Cirières, the initial project planned to resurface the south courtyard and redesign it. It then evolved towards planting vegetation to provide shade and improve games for children.

The work was carried out during the summer of 2023 according to the plan drawn up by the CAUE. In October 2023, the CAUE proposed a plant palette and the trees were planted during the winter of 2023-2024.

Take children’s ideas into account

On Thursdays June 20 and 27, 2024, the school organized participatory workshops with the children led by Évelyne Henriot, CAUE landscaper.

The objective was to work on the furniture and floor paintings of their “dream courtyard” offering better shared spaces in an “oasis courtyard” focused on the development and well-being of children. This involves offering more natural, more vegetated, fresher spaces integrating water management, fun or educational facilities, relaxation areas, etc.

Subsequently, a consultation will take place with the teaching staff, elected officials of the municipality and technical services to take into account the children’s ideas.



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