danger, it flashes in both directions!

danger, it flashes in both directions!
danger, it flashes in both directions!

A new speed radar has just been installed in the Ile-de- department of Seine-et-.

After an interruption of several weeks in the movement of autonomous speed radars due to the change of service provider, the truce is now over and the little gray boxes are springing up again here and there in our country. This is for example the case in the Ile-de-France department of Seine-et-Marne (77) where a new device of this type has been installed there in recent days.

Vitesse maxi : 80 km/h

In this case, on the departmental road D1036 (formerly national N36), near the town of Chaumes-en-Brie, where an autonomous radar was installed on November 17. A radar that flashes speeding vehicles in both directions of trafficindicates the site radars-auto.com, which also specifies that this device “is installed just before the rise of Guignes when heading towards , installed on the secure route of the D1036 between Coutevroult and Melun.” Be sure to respect the maximum authorized speed of 80 km/h if you have to take this route, because no specific sign indicates the presence of this autonomous radar.

Published on 11/25/2024 at 11:55




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