A Waterloo resident who “lost control” herself commits two acts of violence in shops: the court orders her internment

A Waterloo resident who “lost control” herself commits two acts of violence in shops: the court orders her internment
A Waterloo resident who “lost control” herself commits two acts of violence in shops: the court orders her internment

On September 8, 2022, a Waterloo woman entered a store specializing in the sale of motorcycle accessories and asked for a discount on an item she wanted. However, it was not subject to a reduction, and the saleswoman refused to grant a price reduction.

The client then lost his temper and slapped him. As the situation did not calm down, the police were called. But while the patrol was en route, the customer threw a series of items on the ground, damaged the business’s telephone, and tried to hit those who tried to bring her to her senses.

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The police intervention did not calm the situation: the woman hit a police officer on the nose and kicked one of her colleagues who was incapacitated for a day. The search was difficult, as the person concerned refused to let them do it, with lots of insults such as “slut” et “asshole”.

At a gas station

A month later, it was in a Waterloo service station that the same lady caused a scandal which required the intervention of the police. She couldn’t stand it when the manager denied her access to his business, even though the man accused her of having previously committed shoplifting.

Cited in correctional court for these two scenes, the Waterloo resident is also the subject of proceedings for theft before another chamber. It is within the framework of this other procedure that a mental assessment was carried out at the request of the courts. And the psychologists who examined the Waterloo resident concluded that she suffered from a mental disorder making her incapable of controlling her actions.

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The public prosecutor therefore relied on this expertise to request the internment of the defendant.

She did not come to explain herself in court, but she was represented by a lawyer. “My client has psychiatric problems, the council agreed. I am not going to say that she agrees to her internment. Let’s say that she refers to the wisdom of the court. The situation is difficult, Madam needs of a frame, she doesn’t disagree with it when she’s having a good day…”

This is what the justice system has just decided: the internment of the Waterloo resident has been ordered.



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