INTERVIEW – Breton singer Hervé at the Carcassonne OFF Festival

INTERVIEW – Breton singer Hervé at the Carcassonne OFF Festival
INTERVIEW – Breton singer Hervé at the Carcassonne OFF Festival

Saturday July 6, Hervé will perform in concert at square André Chénier as part of the Carcassonne OFF Festival. The Breton singer answered questions from L’Indépendant.

How would you define your musical style and what are your influences?

I do French songs, a catchy rock-electro mix that makes you want to dance hard. I draw a lot of inspiration from Anglo-Saxon music from the 80s, particularly from the city of Manchester, Britpop from the 90s, French and English electro and even English rock. I am also inspired by singers like Alain Bashung and Christophe.

What kind of performance can we expect on the stage of the Carcassonne OFF Festival?

I give a lot of energy, I tend to give everything, have fun on stage. In addition, I love this city, I am super happy to play in Carcassonne, it will be super cool. I always try to be in communion with the public on stage. I always have a little ritual, it is to wear the jersey of the rugby club of the city where I perform, so, I will wear a US Carcassonne jersey during this concert.

What does the city of Carcassonne represent for you?

I know Carcassonne very well, I have already been to the Stade Albert Domec several times to watch rugby matches and I have family who live in the area. I wrote my second album in Ariège and I spent a few days in Carcassonne, to find some form of inspiration.

Your third album, “Adrénaline”, was released a few weeks ago. What is the first feedback from fans?

I have a lot of positive feedback, much more than on the two previous albums, it resonates much more than the others. It is a danceable, hyperinstinctive, English-style album, and which received a little boost because of the problem around the burning of the CDs, fortunately fixed a few days later.



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