For the renewal of relations between Morocco and France

For the renewal of relations between Morocco and France
For the renewal of relations between Morocco and France

Eric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains (LR) party, expressed his desire to restore friendly and trusting relations with the Kingdom of Morocco, which he describes as a great country and a great democracy for which he has deep respect. This remarkable statement highlights the feelings of a part of the French political class towards Morocco.

Following the French legislative elections on Sunday, June 30, 2024, Eric Ciotti declared: “ If we win, we want to re-establish relations of friendship and trust with the Kingdom of Morocco, a country that I deeply respect and for which I have great esteem and friendship. It is crucial to restore these ties. »

In a context marked by the rise of the National Rally (RN) in France, it is important to consider the risk of a rise in xenophobia. Indeed, the RN wants to abolish the right of the soil in France and restrict the rights of dual nationals. This party also proposes to withdraw France from the European Union and to create fear of Islam among French citizens, by designating Muslims as responsible for many of the country’s problems.

Faced with this xenophobic wave, part of the French political class is trying to maintain good relations with its neighbors, including Morocco. Eric Ciotti, president of LR, attaches great importance to maintaining excellent relations with Morocco, emphasizing that France and Morocco are friendly countries sharing common values ​​of mutual aid, virtue, humanity and democracy.

The Moroccan people are deeply attached to their roots, their customs, their traditions and their plural identity. In this spirit, France aspires to establish a lasting relationship with the Kingdom of Morocco based on mutual respect and cooperation with a view to a better future. Eric Ciotti positions himself as a fervent defender and initiator of this cooperation, following in the footsteps of former President of the Republic Jacques Chirac.



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