Gana Gueye congratulates the authorities – La Nouvelle Tribune

Gana Gueye congratulates the authorities – La Nouvelle Tribune
Gana Gueye congratulates the authorities – La Nouvelle Tribune

The Senegal is about to reach a decisive milestone in its economic history thanks to its vast hydrocarbon deposits. This turning point was marked by the delivery of the first barrel of oil, an event celebrated with great fanfare by the country’s authorities and citizens. The economic potential of Senegal is set to undergo a major transformation, driven by the rich deposits of oil and gas discovered and exploited.

A symbolic ceremony was organized to commemorate this historic moment, bringing together figures of the State, international partners and actors of the oil sector. Among the distinguished guests, the Senegalese international Idrissa Gana GueyeEverton player, expressed his pride and honour at being part of the event. His presence added an extra dimension to the celebration, symbolising national unity and hope for a prosperous future for the country.

During the ceremony of “First Oil” of the Sangoma projectr, Gana Gueye warmly congratulated the State of Senegal, Woodside Energy, Petrosen and all the players involved in this major project. He underlined the capital importance of this development for the economic future of Senegal and called for the unity and commitment of all Senegalese to make the most of this new resource. “I am pleased and honored to have participated in the First Oil ceremony of the Sangomar project. An important milestone for our nation which is entering the restricted circle of oil producing countries. I would like to warmly congratulate the State of Senegal, WoodsideEnergy, Petrosen and all the stakeholders who contributed to the realization of this project of capital importance for our country.« notified the former Paris Saint-Germain star.

The Sangomar project, located off the coast of Senegal, is one of the country’s main oil projects. The discovery of these hydrocarbon deposits promises to bring significant economic benefits, particularly in terms of tax revenues, job creation and infrastructure developmentBy becoming an oil-producing country, the country of Teranga aspires to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on traditional sectors that create added value.

The optimism surrounding these new deposits is palpable. The Senegalese authorities see in this oil exploitation a unique opportunity to stimulate economic growth and improve the standard of living of the population. The government emphasizes the need for prudent and transparent management of oil revenues to ensure sustainable and inclusive development.

The energy sectorin particular, should benefit from this new windfall. Energy infrastructure development projects aim to ensure a stable and affordable supply of electricity, thereby promoting industrialization and urbanization of the country. In addition, foreign investments are expected to increase, attracted by the promising prospects of the Senegalese hydrocarbons market.

However, challenges abound. Natural resource management is complex and requires rigorous governance to avoid the pitfalls encountered by other hydrocarbon-rich countries. Senegal will need to ensure that the profits from oil exploitation benefit the entire population and contribute to equitable economic development.



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