duel between Joëlle Melin (RN) and Ciotaden Bernard Ourgoulou-Oglou (PS-NFP)

duel between Joëlle Melin (RN) and Ciotaden Bernard Ourgoulou-Oglou (PS-NFP)
duel between Joëlle Melin (RN) and Ciotaden Bernard Ourgoulou-Oglou (PS-NFP)

The candidate of the Presidential majority is eliminated as is the candidate “Les Républicains” although supported by the mayors of Aubagne, Cassis and La Ciotat…

This Sunday, June 30, 2024, voters in La Ciotat turned out in large numbers for the first round of the legislative elections. With a turnout of 67.23%, the town showed remarkable civic engagement, well above the national averages often observed during this type of election.


Joëlle Melin, candidate for the National Rally (RN), won by a wide margin with 44.19% of the votes. This performance strengthens the position of the RN in a region where the party already had solid electoral bases. Melin, a well-known figure in local and national politics, was able to capture a large share of the vote.

The socialist candidate of the Popular Front, Bernard Ourgoulou Oglou, achieved 24.27% of the votes in his commune. Originally from La Ciotat, Ourgoulou Oglou was able to mobilize the left-wing and environmentalist electorate, despite a campaign often described as short and difficult.

Bertrand Mas Fraissinet, representing the presidential majority “Ensemble”, collected 19.09% of the votes. A disappointing result for the presidential camp, which had hoped for a better performance in this key constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, formerly governed by the center and the Republican right for 23 years.


We are a long way from the scores obtained by the duo Bernard Deflesselles/Patrick Boré (UMP/LR) in La Ciotat in the 2000s,”It was a different time.” say some observers.

Last night in La Ciotat, the young Ciotaden candidate of the “Les Républicains” party (independent of the RN-Ciotti alliance), Aurélien Michel, although supported by the mayors of Aubagne and La Ciotat, obtained a meager 7.55 %. This score illustrates the difficulty for the “Republicans” to impose themselves today in a political context that is increasingly polarized between the National Rally and the united left.

The results of this first round suggest an intense second round between Joëlle Melin (RN) and Bernard Ourgoulou Oglou (PS-NFP). The duel between the National Rally and the Popular Front will take place on Sunday, July 7 and will determine who will represent the ninth constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône in the National Assembly.


These legislative results also have repercussions at the local level, a year and a half before the next municipal elections in La Ciotat. The electoral dynamics observed in the National Rally camp could influence, on the other side, future strategies and alliances…

The voters of the ninth constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, comprising eight municipalities including Aubagne and La Ciotat, will therefore meet in a week for a decisive second round. This election promises to be a key moment for the political future of the canton.

Photo: ©Nautical Frequency




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