The website of the City of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges has a new look

The website of the City of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges has a new look
The website of the City of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges has a new look

The website of the City of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges has a new look. After 20 years of good and loyal service, the old site gave way this Monday morning to a brand new one, which can be consulted at the following address:

It was Marie Semin, who joined the Communication department last November, who created the new site for the City of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. Holder of a DUT in Multimedia and Internet Professions – MMI – and a Professional Digital Professions License, the young woman worked for 7 months on this project, starting from a blank sheet.

“After a while, you can’t remodel and patch things up anymore, you need something new. Marie Semin did an excellent job, carried out in conjunction with Laëtitia Martel and Laure Costalonga, from our Communications department, and Jérémie Duquesne, IT technician. The main objective was to offer a site that was very easy to use, emphasizing its ease of use,” explains Mayor Bruno Toussaint.

Structured around 3 main sections, “Your Town Hall”, “Living” and “Moving”, the new site is available in French, German and English. By browsing, in addition to the new graphic interface, we notice the creation of a “calendar” section, in which events can be filtered by category, as well as of an “I am” tab… resident, new resident or tourist. For people with disabilities, particularly eye disabilities, a display in shades of gray and different sizes is now possible. The site is of course suitable for computers, tablets and smartphones.

not a word

The website of the City of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges has a new look. After 20 years of good and loyal service, the old site gave way this Monday morning to a brand new one, which can be consulted at the following address:

It was Marie Semin, who joined the Communication department last November, who created the new site for the City of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. Holder of a DUT in Multimedia and Internet Professions – MMI – and a Professional Digital Professions License, the young woman worked for 7 months on this project, starting from a blank sheet.

“After a while, you can’t remodel and patch things up anymore, you need something new. Marie Semin did an excellent job, carried out in conjunction with Laëtitia Martel and Laure Costalonga, from our Communications department, and Jérémie Duquesne, IT technician. The main objective was to offer a site that was very easy to use, emphasizing its ease of use,” explains Mayor Bruno Toussaint.

Structured around 3 main sections, “Your Town Hall”, “Living” and “Moving”, the new site is available in French, German and English. By browsing, in addition to the new graphic interface, we notice the creation of an “agenda” section, in which events can be filtered by category, as well as an “I am” tab… resident, new resident or tourist. For people with disabilities, particularly visual disabilities, a display in shades of gray and different sizes is now possible. The site is of course adapted to computers, tablets and smartphones.

not a word



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