Triangular confirmed in Clermont-Cournon: Hervé Prononce (Ensemble) will be a good candidate in the second round of the legislative elections

Triangular confirmed in Clermont-Cournon: Hervé Prononce (Ensemble) will be a good candidate in the second round of the legislative elections
Triangular confirmed in Clermont-Cournon: Hervé Prononce (Ensemble) will be a good candidate in the second round of the legislative elections

Place for a triangular in the second round of the legislative elections in the constituency of Clermont-Cournon: third Sunday evening, Hervé Prononce (Ensemble) confirms this Monday that he will not withdraw.

He had announced on Sunday evening that there was a “great chance” that he would maintain his candidacy for the second round. Hervé Prononce (Horizons, Ensemble), who came in third place on Sunday in the constituency of Clermont-Cournon (24.08% of the vote), confirmed his intentions on Monday: he will indeed be a candidate in the second round against Marianne Maximi (New Popular Front, 38.14% in the first round) and Louis Clément (National Rally, 27.49%).

Maximi hits hard, towards a triangular in the second round: analysis of the results of the legislative elections in Clermont-Cournon

“We are maintaining our position, explains the mayor of Cendre. We had a meeting with the authorities of the Horizons party and we are in the line drawn by Edouard Philippe, who said that there should be no extremes, neither LFI nor RN. If there had been a Republican candidate, for example a socialist, we would have withdrawn. But here we have a Mélenchonist, Marianne Maximi, who I find increasingly harsh.

“Republican surge”

And to continue: “So we are holding on, we are going to try to put on a good show. The second round will be difficult but Marianne Maximi has had her fill, she no longer has any reserves of votes, and we hope to see a Republican surge of those who want neither the RN nor the LFI in power.”

The mayor of Cendre can also have a first support: fourth Sunday evening, Sébastien Galpier (Les Républicains, 8.95%) called to vote for him.

Arthur Cesbron



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