Reaction of the Mayor of Échirolles following the results of the 1st round of the legislative elections

Reaction of the Mayor of Échirolles following the results of the 1st round of the legislative elections
Reaction of the Mayor of Échirolles following the results of the 1st round of the legislative elections

The dissolution of the National Assembly chosen by the President of the Republic on June 9 resulted in the hasty organization of new legislative elections. First of all, I would like to salute the work of the agents of the City of Échirolles, as well as the mobilization of citizens so that this major election can be held in good conditions. This historic choice to dissolve the National Assembly has put us in danger of the return of the extreme right to power, in the year in which we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Liberation.

The left-wing parties have managed to unite and propose a common program in record time. It is in unity, in our diversity, that we can carry out solidarity and ecological policies in the interest of the inhabitants of our territories.

The other reason is the danger of seeing the extreme right come to power. That is why, on June 11, I launched an appeal to the mayors of the cities and villages in the constituency to unite around the candidate of the New Popular Front, Cyrielle Chatelain. We know the true face of the extreme right hidden behind years of demonization. It is the face of hatred, division and racism.

The electoral results of Échirolles are close to an absolute majority and clearly show the rejection of exclusion and xenophobia. The left is very much in the lead, the participation was exceptional, by more than 10 points. In our constituency, Cyrielle Chatelain obtained the very positive score of 42%.

Faced with imminent danger, while Macron’s party no longer has any legitimacy in the eyes of many, the only Republican Front that is asserting itself is the one that can defeat the extreme right.

I therefore call here, as in France, on the candidates of the Republican arc who came in 3rd position to withdraw in the 2nd round in the context of the three-way races and to block the extreme right. For my part, as I have since June 9, I will do everything I can to ensure that our MP, Cyrielle Chatelain, is elected as widely as possible on July 7.

Amandine Demore
Mayor of Echirolles

Contacts :
• Clément Audap | Director of the Mayor’s Office | [email protected] |
• Jérôme Barbieri | Director of Communication | [email protected] |



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