The IAQMS has been linked to Menton since 1967

Between quantum science, which is in a space-time of the fourth dimension, and the commune of Menton, which is suspended in time, the molecules have been in tune since 1967. This perfect agreement goes to Duke Louis de Broglie ( 1892-1987) – Nobel Prize in Physics 1929 – who loved coming to the lemon city as a vacation. The Duke, permanent secretary of the Academy of Sciences, having inspired five researchers to found the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences on Menton soil. More specifically within the Maria Serena villa, almost six decades ago.

The Academy and Menton

Since its founding, the links between the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (IAQMS) and Menton have not weakened since the City supports the academy by welcoming it every two years to the Villa Maria Serena for a weekend. of work. Seminar during which researchers elect new members and distinguish promising young scientists under the age of forty.

This year, members were welcomed by Nicolas Amoretti, Deputy Delegate for Health and representing the Mayor, Yves Juhel, during the last weekend of June. Artificial intelligence was naturally at the heart of the discussions. especially for the prediction of chemical reactions », underlined Professor Nicolas Amoretti, interventional radiologist and biomaterial researcher.

Furthermore, the IAQMS organizes an international congress every three years whose location alternates between continents (congress initiated on Menton soil in 1973).

Pillar of contemporary science

By founding the IAQMS, Raymond Daudel, Per-Olov Löwdin, Robert G. Parr, John A Pople (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998) and Bernard Pullman proclaimed and then demonstrated to the whole world the importance of quantum mechanics (which appeared at the beginning of the 20th century) for the understanding of the infinitely small. These pioneers in their field were visionaries since today, that which describes the way in which microscopic objects behave – that is to say molecules, atoms and particles – is one of the pillars of contemporary science.

The academy in the 21st century

The IAQMS currently consists of 131 members (including 16 women) from 25 countries. Chaired by Gustavo Scuseria, professor of materials science and nanoengineering at Rice University – Houston (Texas), its objective is to deepen the understanding of the state of matter for the benefit of chemists, physicists and biochemists. Thanks to it, the city of Menton is known throughout the world and its members remain as captivated as ever by its beauty, authenticity and French Riviera spirit.



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