Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Brunoy (91800) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Brunoy (91800) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Brunoy (91800) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – What are the options for carrying over the Nupes score to Brunoy?

The dynamics of the left must also be considered during these legislative elections, with one unknown: the intentions of those who had opted for the New Popular and Social Union (Nupes), which had made a breakthrough in the last legislative elections, but which no longer exists today. The New Popular Front, which is looking for a leader, has a chance of attracting a share of it. Raphaël Glucksmann’s PS-Place publique list obtained 16.41% in Brunoy for this single round of the European elections. However, in the city, it will also be necessary to take into account the 11.96% of Manon Aubry (LFI), the 6.48% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 1.81% of Léon Deffontaine (PCF). In other words, a total of around 34% on site. The windfall seems significant. In the first round of the Assembly elections in 2022 in Brunoy, the Nupes duo had also collected 28.19% of the votes in the locality, a score higher than its national result. A sum to finally complete with the 31% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election two months earlier (23.86% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 6.54% for Yannick Jadot, 1.97% for Fabien Roussel and 1.64% for Anne Hidalgo). What share of these votes will go in particular to the New Popular Front, supported by La France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, Europe-Ecologie, the Communist Party and other left-wing forces, and given as very close to the presidential majority in voting intentions during these legislative elections?

18:42 – The National Rally has made strong progress in Brunoy in 5 years

So what can we deduce from this avalanche of scores? These are already 10 points which have thus been stolen by the RN at the municipal level between its score in the 2019 European elections and the equivalent in 2024. A significant progression. By extrapolating, we can deduce that the RN will be at almost 8% in Brunoy this evening of June 30, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – An advance from Bardella to Brunoy at the start of June

These results of the presidential and legislative elections date back two years already. 22.68% of the votes went to Jordan Bardella’s National Rally list a few days ago, in the European elections in Brunoy, against Raphaël Glucksmann at 16.41% and Valérie Hayer at 16.34%. The nationalist movement thus had 2,055 inhabitants of Brunoy who voted.

2:32 p.m. – Brunoy voted for Macron in the last presidential election

Among Brunoy voters, Marine Le Pen was not really welcome during the first round of the election of the head of state two years ago. With 13.8%, the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen was beaten by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 30.29% and 23.86% of the votes respectively. It was finally Emmanuel Macron who won with 70.03% against 29.97% for Le Pen in the second round in the locality.

12:32 – In Brunoy, are the results of the last legislative elections as convincing today?

The fraction of voters in favor of the National Rally will be the key to the local vote for these 2024 parliamentary elections. The RN did not present a candidate for the legislative elections in Brunoy in 2022, where it was Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Sovereignist Right) who won in the first round, with 28.45%, Brunoy voting for the 8th constituency of Essonne. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan finished in the lead again in the second round in the locality, with 59.09%.

11:02 – How does the demographic composition of Brunoy shape the electoral results?

Brunoy’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics show clear trends that could influence the outcome of the legislative elections. With 35% of residents under 30 years old, and an unemployment rate of 8.6%, young people and job seekers represent key segments. The high rate of executives, representing 29.29%, reveals a population concerned about the economic competitiveness of its region. Finally, the presence of a foreign population of 10.91% and an immigrant population of 14.63% indicates the influence of migratory flows on local demography. The percentage of students, estimated at 7.45% in Brunoy, highlights the presence of a young and educated population, sensitive to policies relating to education and student housing.

09:32 – It’s time to vote in Brunoy for the legislative elections

How did voters in this urban area vote in previous elections? During the last European elections, the turnout reached 53.94% in Brunoy (Essonne), compared to a turnout of 52.45% for the 2019 European elections. As a reminder, in the urban area, the turnout in the 2022 legislative elections was 50.86% in the first round. In the second round, 49.8% of voters exercised their right to vote. In April 2022, during the second round of the last presidential election, 71.48% of eligible voters in the urban area went to the polling booth, compared to a turnout of 76.53% in the first round, or 12,794 people.

08:02 – Legislative elections in Brunoy: polling station times

New legislative elections in Brunoy will be organized on Sundays June 30 and July 7, 2024 following the unexpected announcement by Emmanuel Macron that disrupted the electoral calendar. The dissolution orchestrated by Jacques Chirac in 1997 established a cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. What impact will such a decision have this year? Once again, there will be two rounds to designate the candidates of the different political unions in Brunoy (91800), as in all of France. To vote, citizens of the agglomeration will be able to go to the polls between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.opening hours of the 18 polling stations in Brunoy (from Salle des Fetes to Ecole Maternelle du Chene). Activate alerts for your city for free by clicking on the button at the top of the page to receive the results of the legislative elections in Brunoy as soon as they are published.



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