Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Suresnes (92150) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Suresnes (92150) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Suresnes (92150) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – In Suresnes, who will benefit from the 23.8% of Nupes?

Will Nupes, which is already dead despite its breakthrough during the last legislative elections, see its result automatically transferred to the Popular Front during the 2024 elections? The bar is high. During the first round of legislative elections two years ago, in Suresnes, the Nupes pair had in fact gathered 23.8% of the votes in the locality. A performance to be completed with the 30% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the cumulative scores of all the red, green and pink candidates. In the Europeans more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann reached 16.01% in Suresnes. But the verdict for the left is obviously dependent this time also on the votes granted to the rebellious Manon Aubry (13.36%), as well as those of the EELV Marie Toussaint (6.94%) and finally the communist Léon Deffontaine (1.2%) on June 9. In other words a total of 36% on site.

18:42 – In 5 years, the National Rally has gained 5 points in Suresnes

Despite rapid and sometimes radical changes, some conclusions are still necessary. Looking at the RN’s progress that emerged from the last European elections on a national scale, i.e. around eight points more for the Bardella list in 2024 than in 2019, the number of votes for the RN should be around 20% in Suresnes. A verdict that seems logical given the voters also won by the political party in the locality over the same period (9.73% for Jordan Bardella in 2019 and 14.12% on June 9): an increase of 5 points that can still rise.

15:31 – The Suresnes exception during the 2024 European elections

The results of these legislative elections will certainly be closer to the balance established on June 9, when the European deputies were chosen. Very high in the polls, Jordan Bardella was completely defeated in the 2024 European elections in the town. The candidate finished the campaign third, with 14.12%, against Valérie Hayer with 21.41% and Raphaël Glucksmann with 16.01%.

14:32 – What were the results of the presidential election in Suresnes?

The supreme election is undoubtedly the benchmark for judging a local political preference. The town of Suresnes voted for Marine Le Pen at 9.18% during the first round of the election for the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon this time outperformed the representative of the National Rally with 40.28% and 22.09% of the votes. It was ultimately Emmanuel Macron who won with 80.06% against 19.94% for Le Pen in the second round on site.

12:32 – Together in pole position in the first round of the legislative elections two years ago in Suresnes

The fraction of RN voters will be one of the keys locally for this 2024 Parliament election. In 2022, in the legislative elections, the RN missed the mark in the first round in the city of Suresnes, collecting 8.69% of the votes there, against 49.80% for Isabelle Florennes (La République en Marche). The second round will be similar, with the party once again letting the Ensemble! – Presidential Majority pair win the election.

11:02 – Suresnes and legislative elections: demography, economy and electoral issues

In Suresnes, demographic and socio-economic characteristics determine the political landscape and can influence legislative elections. Age distribution can affect the priorities of directives, particularly with regard to education and health. In the city, 20.08% of the population is aged 14 and under, and 16.26% are aged 60 and over. The high percentage of executives, reaching 44.59%, reveals a population concerned with innovation, research and development. In addition, the presence of an immigrant population of 16.32% and a foreign population of 10.59% highlights issues of intercultural cohabitation. Education figures, such as the rate of university graduates (55.86%), suggest a high level of education in Suresnes, likely to foster a climate conducive to entrepreneurship.

09:32 – Forecasts of abstention in the legislative elections in Suresnes

How did voters in this urban area vote in previous democratic consultations? During the European elections in early June, of the 29,787 people of voting age in Suresnes, 58.94% took part in the vote, compared to a turnout of 56.59% in the 2019 election. As a reminder, in the urban area, turnout in the 2022 legislative elections was 53.07% in the first round and only 53.65% in the second round. In April 2022, for the first round of the last presidential election, of the 29,461 people of voting age in the urban area, 80.1% took part in the vote. Turnout was 76.07% in the second round, i.e. 22,413 people.

08:02 – Legislative elections in Suresnes: polling station opening hours

Early legislative elections are taking place this Sunday throughout France. This vote is to elect the 577 parliamentarians of the National Assembly elected for five years. As a reminder, the previous legislative elections followed the presidential election of April 2022, where Emmanuel Macron was re-elected ahead of Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Which political alliance will lead these legislative elections in Suresnes? Also note that the opening hours of the 32 polling stations in Suresnes (from Salle des Fetes to Ecole Maternelle Wilson) are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.. Activate alerts for your city by clicking on the button at the top of this page to receive the results of the elections in Suresnes as soon as they are published.



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