François Sauvadet reacts to the first round of legislative elections

François Sauvadet reacts to the first round of legislative elections
François Sauvadet reacts to the first round of legislative elections

Following the first round of the legislative elections, François Sauvadet, former minister and president of the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council, expressed his deep concern about the results, marked by a significant progression of the extreme right in the department .

In an official statement, Sauvadet underlined the seriousness of the situation: “ This Sunday, on the evening of the first round of the legislative elections, the polls are confirmed in the ballot boxes and the results are clear. Here we are. The extreme right is now on the threshold of power and in the lead in 4 of the 5 constituencies of Côte-d’Or, a consequence of the deep anger of our compatriots who wanted to severely punish the power in place. »

Faced with this rise of the extreme right, Sauvadet expressed his refusal to choose between “the extreme right on one side and the extreme left LFI – Nupes on the other. » He calls for a Republican surge in the days to come.

« There is still one week of campaigning left before the second round. I call on people to vote, next Sunday, in each constituency for the Republican candidates, from the moderate right or the central bloc, established in the territories, because they are the best placed to beat the RN in their constituency. We must do everything to avoid the worst for our country.” did he declare.

François Sauvadet’s reaction highlights the deep division and uncertainty that reigns in the French political landscape. As the far right gains ground, the task of bringing together moderate and republican forces becomes urgent for political leaders in the department and beyond.

Voters in the Côte-d’Or are now called upon to mobilize for the second round, in an election that could well determine the political future of the region and the entire country.

Press release from the Côte-d’Or departmental council of June 30, 2024:

Reaction to the first round of the 2024 legislative elections

“This Sunday, on the evening of the first round of the legislative elections, the polls are verified in the ballot boxes and the results are clear.

Here we are. The extreme right is now on the threshold of power and in the lead in 4 of the 5 constituencies of Côte-d’Or, a consequence of the deep anger of our compatriots who wanted to severely punish the power in place.

I cannot resolve myself, as everyone understands, to a choice between the extreme right on one side and the extreme left LFI – Nupes on the other.

There is still one week of campaigning before the second round. I call to vote, next Sunday, in each constituency for the Republican candidates, from the moderate right or the central bloc, established in the territories, because they are best able to beat the RN in their constituency.

We must do everything to prevent the worst from happening to our country.”

Former minister
President of the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council



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