Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu (60340) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu (60340) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu (60340) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:48 – What is the verdict for the Popular Front following these legislative elections?

With the Nupes having ended, what will its voters choose in these 2024 elections? And above all, what proportion will be won over by the New Popular Front? The reserve of votes is proving to be substantial: in the first round of the 2022 Parliament elections, in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu, the Nupes duo had in fact accumulated 18.11% of the votes in the commune. A figure to be refined with the 20% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the cumulative scores of all the red, green and pink candidates. At the end of the European elections more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann’s list reached 7.06% in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu. The fact remains that in the city, we will also have to take into account the 5.42% of Manon Aubry’s list (La France insoumise), the 4.61% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 1.43% of Léon Deffontaine (PCF). In other words, a total of 17% this time.

18:42 – In five years, the RN has gained 11 points in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu

So what can we conclude from all this data? 11 points have already been amassed by the RN at the local level between its 2019 European score and the equivalent in 2024. A great step forward. We can therefore consider it possible (admittedly unwisely) that the RN will exceed 35% this June 30, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – 42.68% for Jordan Bardella’s list in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu on June 9

We must also go back a few weeks when considering the vote on Sunday, June 30. If we look at the details, 417 residents of Villers-sous-Saint-Leu who went to the polling booths chose the National Rally list three weeks ago, in the European Parliament elections. The list, led by Jordan Bardella, thus attracted 42.68% of the votes ahead of Valérie Hayer at 14.74% and François-Xavier Bellamy at 8.7%.

14:32 – 31.12% for Marine Le Pen in the first round of the presidential election in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu

It is probably the supreme election that is the best indicator of the political side of the inhabitants of a municipality. Marine Le Pen had particularly struck the minds in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu at the end of the 2022 presidential election with no less than 31.12% of the votes in the first round. Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon came behind with 27.14% and 13.27% of the votes. Éric Zemmour had to settle for a chocolate medal with 8.63% of the votes for his part. The RN candidate also had a head start in the second round with 53.26%.

12:32 – New advance for the RN in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu?

The verdict of the most recent legislative election appears to be a valuable precedent at the time of the election that interests us today. The National Rally was doing well in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu two years ago during the legislative elections. In fact, Alexandre Sabatou was ahead of his competitors in the first round, with 27.68% in the commune, an integral part of the 3rd constituency of Oise. Victory was ultimately his in the second round in the locality, with 64.58%, ahead of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union duo at 35.42%.

11:02 – The future of France is also being decided in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu

In the commune of Villers-sous-Saint-Leu, does the population have an influence on the outcome of the legislative elections? With a population density of 535 inhabitants per km² and 45.98% of the working population, will electoral engagement be dynamic? The percentage of unemployed at 8.0% could have an effect on voters’ hopes for employment policies. The percentage of families without a car (8.49%) highlights a lesser dependence on cars, which could affect the 876 voters on issues of mobility and road development. The number of CAF beneficiaries (12.90%) highlights the need for family support, and the rate of employees on fixed-term contracts (4.91%) indicates occupational safety issues. Education figures in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu highlight a diversity of qualifications, with 27.5% of residents without a diploma, this may indicate issues such as lack of educational opportunities, school dropout or economic difficulties.

09:32 – Legislative elections begin in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu: participation in question

The level of abstention will undoubtedly be one of the key criteria for the 2024 legislative elections in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu (60340). As a reminder, in the locality, the abstention rate in the 2022 legislative elections was 49.89% in the first round. In the second round, 51.14% of voters did not exercise their right to vote. In comparison, on a national scale, abstention in the 2022 legislative elections was 52.5% in the first round and 53.8% in the second round, which was almost a record. In April 2022, during the second round of the presidential election, 20.41% of people eligible to vote in the locality had deserted the polls, compared to an abstention rate of 21.04% in the first round.

08:02 – Everything you need to know about the legislative elections in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu

Early legislative elections are taking place this Sunday in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu. This ballot will make it possible to designate the 577 representatives of the Legislative Assembly elected for five years. In 2022, the previous legislative elections took place on June 12 and 19. They followed the presidential election of April 2022 where the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron, was elected for a second term. Among the three major forces present, which of the presidential bloc, the left bloc (LFI, PS, Ecologists, PC…), the far right will succeed in obtaining the most votes in Villers-sous-Saint- Leu (60340) ? To vote, city voters can go to the voting booth between 8am and 6pm, opening hours of the Villers-sous-Saint-Leu polling station. Click on the ‘Activate results alerts’ button located at the top of the page to receive the results of the elections in Villers-sous-Saint-Leu as soon as they are published.



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