Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Chelles (77500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Chelles (77500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Chelles (77500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – In Chelles, what could be the postponements of the left vote?

Will the New Ecological and Social Popular Union, which has already exploded in flight, see its result turn towards the new agreement found by the left-wing forces during these new elections? The list led by Raphaël Glucksmann and supported by the PS reached 12.36% in Chelles a few days ago. But the verdict for the left is obviously dependent this time also on the voters of the LFI list, that of Europe Ecologie and finally that of the PCF on June 9. In other words, a total of around 43% on site. The windfall appears to be substantial: during the first round of the Parliamentary elections, in 2022 in Chelles, the Nupes pair also recorded 34.63% of the votes in the commune, i.e. more than its national score. How many will vote for the Popular Front, representing LFI, the PS, EELV, or even the PCF, and given as very close to the center alliance by pollsters?

6:42 p.m. – In Chelles, are there any favorite RN candidates?

Despite rapid and sometimes radical changes, some conclusions are still necessary. By quickly analyzing the progress of the National Rally during the last European elections on a national scale, i.e. no less than eight points more for the Bardella list in 2024 than in 2019, the number of votes for the RN candidate is likely to be around 21% in Chelles. A projection that seems logical given the points also gained by the movement in the commune in recent years, corresponding in fact to 5 points of vote share.

15:31 – The RN relegated to Chelles during the 2024 Europeans

Another election took place much more recently, the verdict of which should also be observed carefully. A real tidal wave… Even if not all areas are affected in the same way. The Bardella list was only second in fact at the Europeans a few days ago in Chelles. Manon Aubry’s list finished first with 25.15%, compared to 24.64% for the RN.

14:32 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon ahead of Macron and Le Pen in Chelles in the first round of the last presidential election

The inclination of the inhabitants of a municipality is probably most reflected in the result of the presidential election. During the election of the President of the Republic, the scenario was gloomy for the RN and its candidate Marine Le Pen, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead thanks to 35.19% in the first round, ahead of Emmanuel Macron with 25.03%. Marine Le Pen for her part only managed to glean 17.12%. And the RN candidate was unable to regain the advantage in the second round with 33.64% against 66.36%.

12:32 – Do the figures from the last legislative election make sense for the 2024 election in Chelles?

The RN did not convince in the commune of Chelles in 2022, during the legislative elections, with 13.8% in the first round, against 34.63% for Maxime Laisney (LFI-PS-PC-EELV), Chelles voting for the 10th constituency of Seine-et-Marne. In the second round, the RN also failed, still leaving the first local rank to competitors labeled New Ecological and Social Popular Union (53.45% against 46.55% for the RN). Maxime Laisney therefore won this election on the spot.

11:02 – Demographic and electoral trends in Chelles: what to remember

At midday of the legislative elections, Chelles appears as a microcosm of diversity and activities. With its 54,309 inhabitants, this city presents itself as a symbol of openness. The socio-economic variety is reflected in its 4,150 companies, whose activity is supported by a family fabric of 32,195 tax households. The percentage of families owning no car (27.62%) shows less dependence on the automobile. This factor could influence voters on transport and environmental issues. The foreign population of 8,475 people fosters an inestimable cultural wealth. In this social diversity, 48.13% of households are made up of couples with children. The debt per capita, amounting to €1,077.78, is overwhelming a municipality which aims for greater prosperity. In Chelles, where young people represent 39% of the population, the elections are an opportunity for a future in communion.

09:32 – Kick-off of the legislative elections in Chelles: abstention in question

One of the big unknowns of the legislative election will undoubtedly be the extent of participation in Chelles. As a reminder, in the city, participation in the 2022 legislative elections was 41.18% in the first round and only 40.83% in the second round. Two years ago, in the first round of the presidential election, the participation percentage represented 72.2% of the city’s voters. Participation was 65.83% in the second round, which represented 21,759 people. Studies show that abstention is often higher among young people, can this state of affairs be reversed for the legislative elections?

08:02 – Opening and closing of polling stations in Chelles

The opening hours of the 31 polling stations in Chelles are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. without interruption. The legislative elections are an opportunity for voters in Chelles to make themselves heard on the challenges that concern their country. In the event that the union of the left or the extreme right obtains a majority of seats in the Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing Emmanuel Macron to appoint a Prime Minister from the opposition to govern. Among the lists present in the 10th constituency of Seine-et-Marne, who will manage to convince the greatest number of voters in the commune? To vote, it is necessary to be registered on the electoral lists and to prove your identity.



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