Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: what to remember from the first round

Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: what to remember from the first round
Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: what to remember from the first round


Editorial Alençon

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 6:32 a.m.

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The first round of the 2024 legislative elections delivered its verdict on Sunday, June 30, in the first constituency of Orne (Alençon – Domfront). Results, qualified for the second round, turnout… What to remember from this election, marked by very low abstention and a new breakthrough by the National Rally.

Nadine Belzidsky in front of Chantal Jourdan and Patricia Chapelotte

In line with the scores of the European elections, the National Rally came first in France. This is also the case for the first constituency of Orne since, according to the provisional results, Nadine Belzidsky (RN) finishes first with 35,18 %.

She is ahead of the outgoing MP, Chantal Jourdan (New Popular Front), credited with 27,33 % of the votes cast, and Patricia Chapelotte (Together for the Republic) at 21,52 %. The three candidates are qualified for the second round.

Behind, the other candidates obtained: Manuela Chevalier (Center-right) to 12,05 %, David Geniteau (Stand up France) at 1,27 %, Camille Perchet (Workers’ Struggle) at 1,06 %, Daniel Lecomte (Reconquest) to 1,00 % et Didier Durandy (Rural Movement) at 0,59 %.

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Jourdan in the lead in Alençon, other main cities for Belzidsky

HAS Alenconthe candidate to gather the most votes is Chantal Jourdan (36.58%) ahead of Nadine Belzidsky (27.88%) and Patricia Chapelotte (22.27%).

HAS La Ferté-Macé, Nadine Belzidsky and Chantal Jourdan arrive neck and neck, with 31.18% and 30.70% respectively. Patricia Chapelotte (21.86%) and Manuela Chevalier (12.81%) follow.

Close fight with the same protagonists Domfront: Nadine Belzidsky at 32.55% and Chantal Jourdan at 31.59%. Ahead of Patricia Chapelotte (18.36%) and Manuela Chevalier (13.94%).

HAS SeesNadine Belzidsky dominates the debates (38.88%) while Chantal Jourdan only finishes third (20.75%), preceded by Patricia Chapelotte (22.07%).

She also obtained the best score in Bagnoles-de-l’Orne where the RN candidate sits in the opposition on the municipal council, with 31.30%. Followed by Patricia Chapelotte (24.69%), Chantal Jourdan (21.84%) and, not far behind, Manuela Chevalier (18.00%), municipal councilor in Bagnoles-de-l’Orne.

Patricia Chapelotte withdraws, no triangular

This was the big question when the results were announced: will there be a triangular in the second round? Three candidates were qualified but, quickly, negotiations were conducted in the camp of the presidential majority of Patricia Chapelotte, in third position.

Several local politicians, such as Joaquim Pueyo, mayor of Alençon, and Nathalie Goulet, senator from Orne, called for a rally around Chantal Jourdan to block the RN in the constituency.

Late in the evening, shortly after 11 p.m., Patricia Chapelotte announced to withdraw for the benefit of Chantal Jourdan. There will be a duelbetween the outgoing MP and Nadine Belzidsky in the second round.

A sharp increase in participation

The first trends, at midday, announced the color. This election was marked by a strong increase in mobilization.

In l’Orneparticipation in the first round amounted to 68,47 %. Or 18 points more than in 2022 and its 50.02%. If we confine ourselves to the first constituency of Ornethe participation rate is 67,79 %.

HAS Alençon mobilization also skyrocketed: 61,53 % this year, compared to 45.09% two years earlier. A return to the polls which was felt in the polling stations.

Who is in a favorable position?

It’s not easy to know who will finish first in the second round, Sunday July 7, and will inherit the seat in the National Assembly. In the first round, Nadine Belzidsky has a advance not negligible eight pointson Chantal Jourdan.

But the outgoing MP will benefit from the withdrawal of Patricia Chapelotte, who withdrew to block the RN. The political color of Chantal Jourdan, socialist, and not LFI, should facilitate the postponement of votes for the Macronist candidate.

Manuela Chevalier, fourth and crowned with 12.05%, also called for a vote for Chantal Jourdan in the second round.

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