Rodez. Reducing speed in town, “a request from the people of Rodez”

Rodez. Reducing speed in town, “a request from the people of Rodez”
Rodez. Reducing speed in town, “a request from the people of Rodez”

the essential
During a study on noise pollution in cities, elected officials agreed on the role of road traffic on the subject.

Do the people of Ruthénois drive too fast in the city? This is one of the questions that the elected members of the municipal council, who met on Monday, considered. Because the community, through its agglomeration, is subject to a noise prevention plan in the environment, the result of a European directive.

Firstly, we note that in recent years, noise has decreased in the city on the roads concerned, those used by more than 3 million vehicles per year. During the day, 5,195 homes were exposed to an average noise level above 68 decibels in 2019 compared to 3,840 today. The gap is even more significant at night, where from 3,306 homes four years ago, only 1,030 are now affected.

To stem this phenomenon, the City is targeting a means of action, speed limitation, citing the increase to 30 km/h in Rodez, which will come into force in 2022. I’m very happy to see that the issue of speed is a topic for you. But the question is how to enforce it?”asks Eleonore Echène, elected member of the opposition group Rodez citoyen. “We have already set up speed checks with our municipal police officers, particularly at the top of rue Béteille”, assures Monique Bultel-Herment, first assistant. Reminder signs should also be disseminated throughout town, as should educational speed cameras, indicating to motorists their speed. “We also call on the civic-mindedness of each and every one, continues the elected safety delegate. The national police also carry out checks and the fines will be increased at the request of the residents. At each meeting with the Ruthénois, they tell us that the speed is too high in the city. While citing the speed of users on Rue Planard, an axis which is also set to become a single lane of traffic in the coming months, the other will be reserved for soft mobility.

This is not the first time that the idea of ​​redesigning the Amphitheater has been mentioned. Far from it. But this time, maybe things could speed up. At the municipal council on Monday, the mayor, Christian Teyssèdre, in any case put this idea back on the table. “We will present the project in September”he promised. Namely, a large-scale renovation of this emblematic Rodez infrastructure, known for hosting indoor sports, handball and basketball in particular, but also for its evening shows.

It is in any case linked to the first of these two aspects that the subject has entered the public debate. The councilor was questioned by his opponent and former first deputy Sarah Vidal on the subject of sports equipment. While the René-Blanc bowling alley in Saint-Eloi will soon be destroyed, which will become a university gymnasium, dedicated to the students of the new campus, a project led by the State. You had announced that you would build two gymnasiums before 2026. (end of electoral mandate, Editor’s note)where we are ? ” “ We are going to build two gymnasiums, in addition to this one which we are financing [Rodez Agglomération] “, answers Christian Teyssèdre. The first, in Gourgan, as part of the merger of the nursery and primary schools into a single building, in the upper part, where the primary school is currently located. And the lower part of the site will make way for a gymnasium, dedicated to both schools and sports clubs.

A climbing gym and double the capacity?

What about the second one? This is where the Amphitheater comes back into the heart of the game. “This will be done as part of the complete renovation of the place, presents the man who has been at the head of the city since 2008. There will be an additional climbing room and we will almost double the capacity of the main room.” It should be noted that the capacity is currently 1,445 seats. In January 2023, the question of renovating the venue had already been raised during a meeting between the mayor and the leaders of various sports clubs in Rodez. Christian Teyssèdre had then mentioned a project costing 7 to 8 million euros. He suggested at that time that the “North Coast” of the site would be partially destroyed for “expand towards the path of the Auterne”. “There is currently a lack of space and comfort at the Amphitheatre. It is no longer at the level of other facilities in the city. We cannot leave it in this state.” he further declared. A project that in any case meets urgent needs for Rodez clubs with many members. To find out more, see you in September.



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