A delegation of journalists from foreign media accredited in Morocco visits Dakhla – Le7tv.ma

A delegation of journalists from foreign media accredited in Morocco visits Dakhla – Le7tv.ma
A delegation of journalists from foreign media accredited in Morocco visits Dakhla – Le7tv.ma

Organized by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication – Department of Communication -, this visit is part of the first annual meeting with foreign media accredited in Morocco, aimed at promoting the institutional image of Morocco, and to make them discover the potential of Dakhla, as well as the progress that the region has experienced within the framework of the new development model of the southern provinces.

This trip was also an opportunity for this delegation composed of 20 correspondents accredited in Morocco, representing foreign media including press agencies, television channels and the written press, to see first-hand the major projects and infrastructures in the fields of tourism, hotels, logistics, renewable energies, maritime fishing and agriculture.

On this occasion, the members of the delegation were invited to follow a presentation given by the Director General of the Regional Investment Center, Mounir Houari, in which he detailed, with figures to support it, the main productive sectors of the region.

Likewise, they held a meeting with the President of the Regional Council, El Khattat Yanja, during which emphasis was placed on the development boom that the region is experiencing in different areas, within the framework of the new development model of the southern provinces.

In a statement to the press, the director of communication and public relations at the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication – Department of Communication, Mustapha Amadjar, indicated that this visit is part of the of a program aimed at informing representatives of the international media accredited in Morocco of the various development projects in the southern provinces of Morocco, in particular the megaprojects implemented or those which are in progress.

For his part, Mr. Yanja indicated that this visit was an opportunity to present to journalists from foreign media accredited to Morocco the economic and political dynamics experienced by this region and to discuss the new development model of the southern provinces, launched in 2015 by HM King Mohammed VI.

This visit will allow journalists to explore the investment opportunities offered by this region and to learn about the major structuring projects launched, namely the port of Dakhla Atlantique, the Tiznit-Dakhla expressway and the industrial and logistics zones, he said. For her part, Fadoua Al Mourabiti, correspondent for the television channel “Al Ghad” in Morocco, noted that “this visit allowed us to learn about the major structuring projects implemented in the region or those currently being carried out”, citing as an example the Dakhla Atlantique port, which they were able to visit and inquire about the progress of its work.

“As journalists, this visit allowed us to observe these projects firsthand, and to have global and clearer ideas, in order to be able to better address them in our audiovisual and written productions,” she noted. . During their stay, the journalists carried out a field visit to inquire about the progress of work on the Dakhla Atlantique port.

The editorial team /Le7tv



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