A butcher's shop is left without a butcher in this small town in -Atlantique

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In the town of Saint-Père-en-Retz, the director of the supermarket was forced to close his butcher shop. “We are experiencing difficulties recruiting professionals, despite the attractive hiring conditions offered.” He found a temporary solution to maintain a minimum butchery service.

Philippe Perray wants the return of a professional | .OCEAN PRESS PHOTO


  • Philippe Perray wants the return of a professional | .OCEAN PRESS PHOTO

Among the customers who assiduously frequent the aisles of the U Express, a few questions arise here and there, particularly in front of the butcher's where no butcher now works. We are experiencing difficulties recruiting professionals, despite the attractive hiring conditions offered. explains Philippe Perray, the director. Management was forced to make choices in order to maintain a self-service butchery service. This service allows for a shelf life of seven days through two-day replenishments…



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