Economical and ecological, a new recycling center is opening in Seine-et-Marne

Economical and ecological, a new recycling center is opening in Seine-et-Marne
Economical and ecological, a new recycling center is opening in Seine-et-Marne


Paul Varenguin

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 12:52 p.m.

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Reusing what works rather than buying new. That’s the whole spirit of the recycling center Nouvell’Rcreated by Marie-Christine Delalandein Torcy (Seine-et-Marne). For several months, it has been offering interested people the opportunity to come and collect the objects that she collects or that are given to her. Presentation.

Part of an observation

“I never liked throwing things away…” This is what Marie-Christine Delalande confides when asked where she got the idea to create a recycling center. I started by picking up objects in the bulky waste, then to give them back on the site Geev (a platform for donating objects, on the same principle as The good corner, Editor’s note) or on groups. Everything was going,” she remembers.

Very quickly, she feels frustration, at the idea of ​​not being able to do more and, from there, she notices a dysfunction. « On throws away very easilypeople don’t bother to give back to someone what can be useful. So I wanted to get involved in a recycling center or an Emmaüs, but there was nothing in the area. So I said to myself that I had to create this in Torcy,” she continues.

According to her, the municipality is the ideal size: for there to be a real ecological impact, approximately one resource center is needed for 20,000 inhabitants. She therefore launched Nouvell’R with an associative form, to avoid at all costs entering into a commercial relationship.

Everything, for everyone

Its premises, loaned by the Torcy town hall, opened in october 2023, after being renovated with volunteers. Since then, she has developed her recycling center, and has even created her own website, to increase her visibility and offer the products she sells to as many people as possible. Moreover, everything is available 10 times cheaper than the price of new products, “which has a real impact on purchasing power”.

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On the many shelves in her room, many things she found in the streetbut also the gifts that everyone brings to it.

Be careful though, for the moment, we are not hanging around in Nouvell’R. The premises are not suitable for receiving the public, and people only come here to collect what they have appointment or during office hours, after having been able to consult the offer available online. “I like to talk with people, meet them and devote myself to them,” explains the one who took a sabbatical year to launch this project which is particularly close to his heart.

Small originality, it offers services equipment rental. “There is no need to necessarily buy certain items. For example, a steam stripper is not useful all the time. It’s the same for the hedge trimmer or a large quantity of glass,” she justifies.

And in the coming months, she is thinking of launching into delivery in the different neighborhoods of the sector, to be as close as possible to the residents. It also intends to establish links with the various associative structures, to provide them with the objects they need.

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