Bigflo and Oli, Queen Omega, BMX dirt: a look back at a second hot evening at the Natural Games in Millau

Bigflo and Oli, Queen Omega, BMX dirt: a look back at a second hot evening at the Natural Games in Millau
Bigflo and Oli, Queen Omega, BMX dirt: a look back at a second hot evening at the Natural Games in Millau

The second day ticked all the boxes to put stars in the eyes of the many festival-goers.

“Extreme”. A word that aptly describes Natural Games. And the second day of the festival was no exception to the rule. From the heights of Massebiau where, a second time, the base jumpers threw themselves into the void; the Gorges de la Jonte which welcomed the godfather and godmother of the festival on the highline; and the Maladrerie where sportsmen and artists made the natural gamers scream, the show was guaranteed.

While the evening underwent modifications due to weather conditions incompatible with the cross paragliding show, or the cancellation of the climbing throw, all the boxes were ticked to make this second evening a moment that will remain anchored in the memories of festival-goers.

BMX Dirt Falls

Starting with DJ Sabor a mi, now a regular at the Millavois festival, back on stage to make the Millavois move to the rhythm of the bass.

Then it was Queen Omega & the Royal Souls’ turn to take the stage. The singers’ vocal demonstrations and reggae rhythm won the hearts of the festival-goers who were beating to the rhythm of benevolence.

Queen omega & the Royal Souls ont fait danser les NG.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant

Before the arrival of the next artists, the Maladrerie offered two shows to the thousands of people: a small jumpline final and the MTB & BMX dirt semi-finals. Two disciplines, where figures, acrobatics and sometimes … falls followed one another.

BMX dirt delivered impressive performances to festival-goers.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant

Bigflo and Oli celebrated the Stadium in Millau

The stage was once again given way to notes with the Caravan Palace group before welcoming the Natural Games family: all the athletes were invited to be introduced to the festival-goers. A timeless moment for the competitors.

The sun set on La Maladrerie during Caravan Palace’s set.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant
The group won the hearts of festival-goers.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant

It was then up to the two brothers from the pink city, Bigflo and Oli, to set the Maladrerie alight. A successful bet for their first visit. While the Top 14 final was being played that same evening, Stade Toulousain won the match. A perfectly celebrated title for the duo from the city of rugby. With the Stade flags present in the crowd, the youngest of the siblings jumped in with joy, on his boat, before joining the other bank of the oublic. They put on a show.

For an hour, rap performances followed one another on stage.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant
The two brothers were eagerly awaited.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant
The two brothers celebrated the title at Stade Toulouse.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant
While Oli performed on the trumpet, his brother, Flo, played the piano.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant
A duo connected to its audience.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant

Finally, the evening closed on electro notes with Vitalic after the jumpline athletes also ensured the choice among the best festival-goers who once again came in large numbers to the Maladrerie.

The jumpliners also put on a show.
Midi Libre – Laura Vaillant

With the weather forecast ultimately being milder than the forecasts, the third day should also be shivering.



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