a first hard blow to come for Will Still?

a first hard blow to come for Will Still?
a first hard blow to come for Will Still?

While Will Still has arrived at the head of RC Lens, the Belgian coach is a strong element of the Blood and Gold group.

In Lens, a page is turning. In recent weeks, Franck Haise left RCL to join OGC Nice, the coach was replaced by Will Still who will have the difficult task of doing better than his predecessor. The transfer window will be important for the Belgian technician who could also lose an important element in the coming weeks.

According to information from Rudy Galetti, Atlético Madrid and Borussia Dortmund would be very interested in Facundo Medina, the strong element of the Lens defense. The journalist from Sportitalia and Sky Sport explains on X that RC Lens would have set its starting price at 17 million euros.

RC Lens has the upper hand

In this matter, RC Lens can work quietly after having extended the Argentinian international in recent months. Indeed, Facundo Medina is linked with the Sang et Or until June 2028. It remains to be seen whether the central defender is tempted by a departure, he who seems to like the Northern club… To be continued!

An unconditional OM fan, the Vélodrome rocked my childhood. Passionate about football, Ligue 1 has no secrets for me. I also keep an eye on football in South and Central America. Table tennis player in spare time for almost 20 years.



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