Alès: reprieve and suspension for this driver who hits a biker

Alès: reprieve and suspension for this driver who hits a biker
Alès: reprieve and suspension for this driver who hits a biker

This Friday, June 28, a man appeared in the criminal court of the Cévennes capital for having knocked down a motorcyclist who was accompanying an exceptional convoy. The man suffered a broken kneecap and a broken finger.

“Are you aware that it is a miracle that Monsieur is not dead?” lance, Kellian Bouchet, who presided over the hearing of the defendant, Sylvain C, this Friday, June 28. Last January, while driving on Avenue René Cassin, the man, who was returning from the restaurant with his ten-year-old daughter, recklessly hit one of the motorcyclists who was regulating the passage of an exceptional convoy on the opposite lane.

Biker suffers broken leg and finger

The passenger falls: a kneecap and one of his fingers are fractured. An appropriate speed, that of 50 km/h, did not prevent the accident, probably caused by alcohol consumption exceeding the authorized dose, added to the inattention of a telephone conversation having with his companion. “We were online, but we weren’t talking, she had gone to take a shower at that point.”specifies Sylvain C. “I wish the victim was here to apologize, sincerely.”

The prosecution, led by Quentin Larroque, is requesting, for its part, “neglect”, an eight-month suspended sentence, with a two-year probationary period, an awareness course, and a fine of 100 euros.

For his lawyer, Me Alexandre Boissière, attributing full responsibility for the accident to his client is not understandable. Supporting photos, he insists: “The motorcyclist is right in the middle of my client’s lane. If he hadn’t been going the wrong way, we wouldn’t be here today.” The court ruled for a 4-month suspended sentence, with a license suspension, for the same period.



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