Free Expression Forums – July 2024

Free Expression Forums – July 2024
Free Expression Forums – July 2024

Rambouillet free expression forum Together towards the future

Publication in Rambouillet Infos n° 335

Together let’s build a united community where each of you flourishes

As you have noticed, the municipal majority, after the necessary technical studies initiated since the start of the mandate, is providing a strong response to the aging of our streets through the “Road Plan”. These daily works, supplemented with the unprecedented renewal of public lighting, are scheduled over several years. The majority’s objective is clear: invest each year in roads. As such, she proposed carrying out additional work during the last municipal council: Rue de Clairefontaine, Rue Pasteur, Rue Einstein. Works which will be added to others (rue Pasteur, rue du Vieil Orme, etc.).

Next to daily workwe wanted to defend three major priorities for you and our city: Security (increase in the number of our Police, modernization of equipment, training, deployment of video protection, etc.), the environment (investment of 19 million euros in energy sobriety to reconcile respect for the environment and reduction in public spending, with between 2022 and 2023 alone, a reduction of almost 1/3 in our electricity consumption) and finally the cohesion (intensification of festivities, defense of secularism, participatory democracy, work of memory, etc.). On this last point, I am convinced that it is also our duty to ensure that our community lives in a spirit of solidarity and collective belonging.

Indeed, we are seeing signals in France that seem worrying to me, regarding the weakening of the feeling of belonging: this feeling of belonging to the same Nation, under the same flag, with a common History, whatever our differences. This is why I attach particular importance, at our level, to promoting cohesion which is not only an ideal towards which we must strive, but a necessity to guarantee a harmonious future for all. With my municipal team, I am committed every day to promoting initiatives that encourage dialogue, harmony and mutual aid between the people of Rambouillet: the Civic Passport, the Youth Municipal Council, Participatory Budgets, support for our associative network, etc.

If at the national level, the link between the representatives and the French seems complicated, I wish to fully commit myself, in my mission as a local elected official, to unity, trust and proximity: to continue to place people at the center of our commitment. Basically, in Rambouillet, we are all driven by the same priority: maintaining the quality of life of a city that we hold dear to our hearts.

Together, I am convinced that we can build a stronger and more united community, where everyone finds their place and can contribute to collective well-being.

To promote cohesion, we attach particular importance to our history and to intergenerational links through various actions: patriotic ceremonies, setting up of patriotic foundations, etc. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our patriotic associations and our partners such as the Society of Members of the Legion of Honor with whom we work. together.

Faced with the fractures that threaten French society, the solution lies in our ability to carry out a common project together, a project that draws its strength and inspiration from the timeless values ​​of the Republic: liberty, equality, fraternity. These values, which have always been the foundation of our nation, must guide each of our actions and decisions.

Together, let us make our community a living example of republican unity and resilience.

Véronique Matillon – Mayor of Rambouillet

Concerned about the mental health of our young people

The city has long been involved in the mental health of young people in its territory. Mental health issues have existed for a long time, but the pandemic has caused our teenagers’ situations of distress to explode.

Particularly attentive to the health of the people of Rambouillet, the mayor wanted to set up a health commission. This is a strong political will that has shown the essential collaboration between the city, the territorial professional health community (CPTS), the hospital and the Plaisir hospital center.

Based on a double observation emanating from Educational and Social Monitoring and Youth Prevention which supports Rambolitan adolescents and young adults aged 10 to 21, the city of Rambouillet is committed to the issue of young people’s mental health. .

Since 2015, when the Local Mental Health Council was created, the issue of young people has been addressed, first on the link between mental health and dropping out of school, then with the creation of a working group on adolescent malaise/suicide prevention.

The objective of the working group co-led by the city, the Rambouillet medical-psychological center and the MSA contributed to:

-The creation of the Youth Listening Point managed by Usine à Chapeau,

-The implementation of a study on the health of young people based on a questionnaire intended for middle school students,

-The city’s participation in the mental health forum for middle and high school students in Rambouillet.

In 2018, the city of Rambouillet organized a conference on the theme of “parenting and childhood” as part of the mental health information weeks (SISM).

Since 2021, the city has created with the Pleasure Hospital Center a Mobile Adolescent Team (EMA) composed of a clinical psychologist and specialized educators. An agreement between the two actors has just been renewed for the next 3 years. The Adolescent Mobile Team carries out, at the request of partners or families, a psychosocial assessment and support for young people aged 10 to 17 while respecting professional secrecy.

EMA’s missions are:

-Contribute to the management of so-called “complex” situations of adolescents and their families,

– “Reach out” to young people and families in difficulty, -Facilitate psycho-social prevention among young people and families,

-Promote the guidance and support of adolescents who require it towards healthcare structures.

It is shadow work but requires daily involvement with both the population and local stakeholders.

The city remains at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact the disability prevention service.

Valérie Caillol – 10th Deputy Mayor

[email protected]



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