Saint-Priest-en-Jarez. Walkout at La Mounardière nursing home for “better working conditions”

Saint-Priest-en-Jarez. Walkout at La Mounardière nursing home for “better working conditions”
Saint-Priest-en-Jarez. Walkout at La Mounardière nursing home for “better working conditions”

Nursing assistants, hospital service agents, cooks, technical agents, around twenty employees of the Korian La Mounardière nursing home, in Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, followed the call to walk out this Wednesday launched, at the national level, by the FO and CGT unions as part of the next mandatory annual negotiations which will be discussed within Klorian, which has become Clariane.

Employees who deplore working conditions that they consider “catastrophic, with an overload of work, non-replacements and shifts in tasks.”

“More than once, we took care of twenty residents alone for an hour, two hours, even three. We are putting our lives and that of the resident in danger, says an employee, worried to see her workstation occupied today by non-qualified replacements. Out of six caregivers, three are qualified.”

“We can no longer make ends meet”

If the demands relate to working conditions, they also concern wages.

“With inflation of 10% in two years, we can no longer make ends meet. We must revalue our salaries which have not changed for several years and grant us a 13th month, not a semblance of a 13th month! » insists this agent.

Demands which appeared on a leaflet distributed to families outside the residence. “They need to realize that without us, the staff, their loved ones would not be well taken care of. »

This first movement took the form of a one-hour walkout. It could well, warn the unions, transform “into a harsher mobilization” if their voices are not heard.

Contacted by us, the management of the establishment could not be reached this Wednesday.



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