a new sticker for senior drivers to continue driving?

a new sticker for senior drivers to continue driving?
a new sticker for senior drivers to continue driving?
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Seniors with driving licenses are once again in the sights of road authorities. The latter want to introduce stricter measures to ensure compliance with safety conditions. One of them concerns the introduction of a new sticker. We tell you more!

A renewal of the driving license of seniors?

The debate on driving licenses for seniors is far from over. Road Safety announces an overall positive outcome for the year 2023. According to statistics, 370 people aged 65 to 74 lost their lives on the roads in 2023. This implies an increase of 53 deaths compared to 2019!

This figure places this age category above the national average, with 50 deaths per million inhabitants compared to 48 on average. The situation is even more alarming for those over 75, with 517 deaths recorded in 2023.

Certainly, this is a figure down compared to the previous two years. However, this still represents 77 deaths per million inhabitants, well above the national average. Faced with this worrying observation, the government is considering the implementation of new measures. This will limit road mortality among seniors.

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Among the avenues considered, the authorities mention a tightening of renewal conditions driving licenses for older people. While the aim of these measures is laudable, their implementation raises important questions!

Setting up a new sticker?

The French government is considering implementing an original measure: preventive signaling. The idea would be to affix a sticker to the vehicles of senior drivers. These cars bear the letter “S”, like the “A” badge worn by young drivers.

This measure is in no way intended to strip seniors of their driving licenses. It is simply a matter of making other motorists aware of the possible difficulties that these drivers could encounter due to their age. This includes less sharp reflexes or a less efficient view.

The objective is then toadopt an inclusive and caring approach. This allows seniors to continue to travel safely while respecting the safety of everyone. However, this measure is certainly not perfect and will certainly attract criticism.

Some will see it as an attack on individual freedom, while others will fear a stigmatizing effect. However, it is an interesting line of thought that is worth exploring. It could allow reconciling road safety with maintaining the autonomy of seniors !

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Senior driving license, an optional choice

The “S” sticker is available at a modest cost of 4 euros. However, its use is optional. Indeed, it is in no way obligatory for seniors with a renewed driving license to affix it to their vehicle. This voluntary approach aims to respect the principle of individual freedom and not to stigmatize senior drivers.

Moreover, the French authorities are disseminating clear and precise information to avoid any misunderstanding. The government has notably published a press release on the Road Safety website. The objective is to deny rumors of compulsory sticker !



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