Legislative (Saône et Loire): The appeal of Evelyne Couillerot and Jean-Marc Hippolyte

Legislative (Saône et Loire): The appeal of Evelyne Couillerot and Jean-Marc Hippolyte
Legislative (Saône et Loire): The appeal of Evelyne Couillerot and Jean-Marc Hippolyte
Communiqué :
Sunday June 30, we will vote for the NEW POPULAR FRONT represented in our 3rd constituency by Richard BENINGER and Margaux FEBVRE

Today more than ever, the LEFT has the responsibility to be there for our country. We welcome the creation of the New Popular Front (NFP), which unites the great family of the left, carrying a program of credible rupture with the policy of the presidential majority.
At the local level, the left-wing forces of this new alliance are working together for this campaign, an unprecedented campaign in many respects: surprise dissolution, far right at the gates of power…

We understand the confusion of voters, who on June 9, like us, trusted Raphaël GLUCKSMANN during the European elections and who voted for his social, democratic, environmentalist and pro-European orientations. But following this brutal dissolution, it was the duty of the left to come together; because only the left is today able to block the National Rally and propose an alternative. Only the left can be the dam that French democracy so badly needs. This can no longer be the President of the Republic, nor the outgoing deputy with his excesses and his gesticulations in the National Assembly. So there are times when, certainly the choice is not easy, but when it is impossible not to choose.
Contrary to what Mr. REBEYROTTE, candidate of the PRESIDENTIAL MAJORITY would have us believe in order to stoke fears, the left-wing deputies resulting from the polls will have to work from consensus, on common commitments. No, this is not the end of the NUCLEAR INDUSTRY, particularly for our living area, as the outgoing MP and his supporters are spreading in order to lure those who are still hesitant. In the coming decades, it will be a question of finding the right balance between the nuclear energy essential to our country and renewable energies as part of an energy mix. Also, our territory has great prospects thanks to the strong commitment of David MARTI, MAYOR of CREUSOT and PRESIDENT of the CUCM. Because if the deputies vote for the laws, it is through the territories, with the elected officials who roll up their sleeves on a daily basis that our living area can be attractive and support the development of businesses. So, let’s not let anyone caricature the left’s program, the only one capable of profoundly transforming society.
Today, it is a question of choosing deputies who will vote for laws for more social justice (let us remember, however, that the dividends of CAC 40 companies have doubled under the mandates of Mr. Macron while the French have ends increasingly difficult months), for sustainable and responsible development.
In a territory where the National Rally is at its highest, in the face of exasperation, we want to restore hope with a concrete, social, economic, environmental program while being very firm on the issues of security and secularism:
– For purchasing power with the revaluation of the SMIC, the Disabled Adult Allowance, APL, etc.
– For public services: access to care, hospital, education, etc.
– For the development of territories: reindustrialization, support for quality agriculture, etc.
– For greater social justice: repeal of the law on pensions and unemployment insurance, return of the ISF, etc.
After July 7, we will have to work together, fight so that a new democratic, ecological and humanist space emerges from this chaos in our country.
But first, there is this absolute urgency of which we are convinced: we must in a few days win against the slope of the worst and resignation. This is why we will vote for Richard BENINGER and Margaux FEBVRE, hope is there!

Departmental Advisors, LE CREUSOT 2


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