The heat will take a turn that should please you

The heat will take a turn that should please you
The heat will take a turn that should please you
Published on June 26, 2024 at 9:13 p.m.

Update June 27, 2024 at 12:00 a.m.

Neither too hot nor too cold. Here’s what the forecast promises for the next seven days.

Although the ideal temperature is individual to each person, the forecasts for the next few days should bring everyone into agreement. Particularly after the two heatwaves in June when the feeling climbed to 43 in the heart of the city of Montreal. As a reminder, temperatures were significantly above normal between June 15 and 20.

Fortunately the end of the month should be more temperate. The fight between air masses should give rise to some descents of fresh air but above all the return of comfortable heat.

Cooler weather

While Quebec is currently entering a trough, slightly cooler air is rushing into the province. This has the effect of causing a deviation of 2 to 4 degrees from normal, colder this time. Until Friday, the weather will therefore be cooler with a maximum of 21 degrees (24 felt) for the southern sectors of the province.

The return of humidity

On Sunday, a brief intrusion of humid heat will affect southern Quebec, but will recede by midday. After a cool morning on Monday, temperatures should rise slightly to reach more comfortable thresholds until the middle of next week: between 24 and 27 degrees are expected with feelings ranging from 26 to 33.

Humidity will therefore be present, but moderately. The weather should be pleasant for being outside and enjoying outdoor activities. Especially since no major system is currently on the radar from Monday to next Wednesday. If the trend continues, sunshine and blue skies could also be there.

With the collaboration of Patrick Duplessis, meteorologist.

SEE ALSO: See when the best day to move will be



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