Bulky trash on the sidewalks in the towns of northern Loiret, it’s over

Bulky trash on the sidewalks in the towns of northern Loiret, it’s over
Bulky trash on the sidewalks in the towns of northern Loiret, it’s over

During the last bulky waste collection, many elected officials complained about non-respectful administration. So, Sitomap, the Pithiverais waste union, decided to stop collecting bulky items for the general public. It will only be accessible to people aged over 70, and by appointment.

Elected officials from Sitomap, the Pithiverais waste union, took into account the mayors’ remarks. From next year, bulky waste collection will only be reserved for people aged over 70. This subject was discussed during the general meeting of Sitomap, which was held on Wednesday June 26, at the end of the agenda.

“This is following the numerous problems, during the last collection of bulky items, encountered in several municipalities, notably Pithiviers and Malesherbes”, recalls Erick Bouteille, the president of Sitomap.

The day before the collection, residents were invited to take out a list of very specific objects and place them on the sidewalk. But some didn’t follow the rules. “Many elected officials told us that their services worked two, even three days, after the bulky waste collection had taken place.”

Towards the end of bulky waste on the sidewalks in the towns of northern Loiret?

Collection of bulky items by appointment

Now the rules are changing. To benefit from the collection, you must be over 70 years old, make an appointment, leave four objects maximum, “no longer on the sidewalks, but within the home. The person must be present during the collection. This service remains free for the resident. We inventory according to needs”, explains Erick Bouteille.

For other residents within the union’s perimeter, it will now be necessary to go to the recycling center.

Melle-Taliane N’Goma



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