everything you need to know about the elections in Nantes

everything you need to know about the elections in Nantes
everything you need to know about the elections in Nantes

Number of registrants

More than 198,000 people are registered on the electoral lists in Nantes and called to vote for this election, according to the city of Nantes.
In Nantes, polling stations will be open on Sundays June 30 and July 7 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Registrations on the electoral lists have been closed in France since Monday June 9 at midnight, the deadline set by the Ministry of the Interior; the day after the announcement of the dissolution.

Where to vote?

The place to vote is specified on the electoral map: name of the place, address, polling station number. For residents of Nantes who have not received or have lost their card, it is possible to find this information via e-services (metropole.nantes.fr/bureaux-de-vote) or by calling Allonantes. Allonantes can be reached at 02 40 41 9000, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.depending on the community.

▶ Also read: The candidates and the issues in Loire-Atlantique

Changes in polling stations

In Nantes, 48 ​​schools and 1 community center are mobilized to accommodate the 207 polling stations needed. In order to balance the distribution of voters in each polling place, the City of Nantes carried out an electoral redistribution. 12,000 voters have changed their voting location since 1is January 2024. The City plans to post notices at the old polling stations and have mediators present on the day to guide voters. In case of doubt, residents of Nantes can check their polling place and office by calling Allonantes on 02 40 41 9000 or via the website.

What documents?

Each voter must bring their national identity card or passport (valid or expired for a maximum of 5 years) and their electoral card. The latter is not obligatory for voting, but it facilitates operations and saves time.

Other identity documents (valid) are also accepted: driving license, vital card with photo, large family card with photograph, issued by the SNCF



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