In Lanester, an update on the projects of the Municipal Social Action Center

In Lanester, an update on the projects of the Municipal Social Action Center
In Lanester, an update on the projects of the Municipal Social Action Center

Sitting on the evening of Tuesday, June 25, on the community council, the mayor and president of the Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS), Gilles Carréric was absent. Philippe Jumeau, vice-president, therefore ensured the holding of the CCAS board of directors, with numerous assessments on the agenda but also perspectives with three upcoming projects.

Concerning the extension of the early childhood center, work will begin on Monday July 8 for one month. “The building will be closed for a month. This is an extension, to accommodate ten to fourteen additional children, and the development of two nursery courtyards outside the walls,” explains Philippe Jumeau.

Another project, that of the Early Childhood Relay which has just moved to the municipal social center. Development work is underway. Finally, regarding the future gerontological center, “we will launch the architectural competition in the coming days. Three architects will then be selected. The first stone is planned for spring 2026 for opening at the end of 2027,” underlines the elected official.

On the other files processed, that of the Le Coutaller nursing home. A new director is expected on July 22. The City will also recruit a person in a 50% administrative 50% hotel position with the aim of strengthening the nursing home before its move to the gerontological platform.

Several senior events should be noted in the diaries: Blue Week from September 30 to October 4, with among the activities a tea party and a theatrical performance by Coup de torchon and cabaret afternoons on December 3 and 4.



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