Medical students decide to continue boycott of exams

Medical students decide to continue boycott of exams
Medical students decide to continue boycott of exams

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In a press release published on Tuesday June 25 late in the evening, the Commission affirms that the results of the meeting held on June 21, 2024 with the government did not meet their expectations and demonstrate a “step back compared to the basics of joint work previously established.

“What is the point of proposing a solution if it is not included in a written report? Is this a maneuver to prolong the crisis or a divergence of points of view of which the students are the victims?” asks the Commission.

The students accuse the government of leading them “towards a blank year scenario by a purely political decision”. They also insist that their demands are “purely academic and not politicized”.

Consequently, the National Commission for Students in Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy announced, “after consultation and opinion of students during general assemblies, and through electronic voting forms”, that students will continue their open boycott of all educational activities, including exams, hospital internships and theoretical courses.

The students have decided to launch a national campaign including blood donations and an initiative to clean beaches and public gardens starting this Wednesday, June 26, corresponding to the date decided by the government for the spring session exams.

During a press briefing held on Tuesday, June 25, the government spokesperson listed the measures proposed by the government including maintaining exam dates and reviewing disciplinary measures.

During a meeting with medical students as part of the Citizenship Café program, the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch declared: “We want you to study, we need doctors in our country. You will be the doctors of tomorrow for us and for our children, and we are counting on you to be up to the task, to complete your studies and work in public hospitals and even private clinics if you wish. »

He insisted that the government has found solutions to many problems regarding scholarships, programming, etc., explaining: “We can say that everything is clear today, and students must return to their classes and pass the exams because Moroccans need them now and in the future. »

Aziz Akhannouch concluded with a smile: “We deal with you very positively, we are on your side and you will have no problem with us, whatever happens. You are our children and we need you. Those looking for trouble are those who act contrary to the interests of medical and pharmacy students. »

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