Full success for the Kerhervy festival, in Lanester

Full success for the Kerhervy festival, in Lanester
Full success for the Kerhervy festival, in Lanester

Since Friday June 21, La Fontaine aux Chevaux has been organizing its 41st amateur theater festival in Kerhervy. After a capricious start to the festival, with a play that could not be performed in the amphitheater but under a big top, the festival saw its attendance increase over the sessions. “The amphitheater was well-filled on Sunday June 23 for our workshop performances. On Monday, there was a very respectable attendance. But on Tuesday, with the return of good weather, the amphitheater is full, with 330 seats,” says Jérôme Aguerre, the president of the Fontaine aux Chevaux. On stage, the Artiteiz de Theix troupe offered a scathing comedy “Le jardin d’Alphonse”, which made the audience laugh for an hour and a half.

Twelve shows are on the program between now and the end of the festival on Sunday June 30, with this Thursday, at 6 p.m. “La Boîte aux lettres”, actors from Marcel-Pagnol college (Plouay); at 8 p.m. “The God of Carnage”, a scathing comedy from the Théâtre des Autres mondes (Lanester); at 10 p.m., “Bluebeard’s Women”, comedy of the Arts Croissants (Fouesnant).


Price: €5 to €9 per piece, €9 to €14 per day, €30 for a 3-day pass. www.festivaldekehervy.com



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