Let’s demand the opening of the 12th class in Simone Veil Villeurbanne

Let’s demand the opening of the 12th class in Simone Veil Villeurbanne
Let’s demand the opening of the 12th class in Simone Veil Villeurbanne

To everyone’s surprise, we learned during the school council that the opening of the 12th class to Simone Veil in nursery school was not validated.

There would be a shortage of 12 registrations (192 registered compared to 2004 required overall in kindergarten) except that registrations have been closed and new students in the district are sent to the Renan school.

However, there are children from the neighborhood who would like to enroll in their local school, which would make it possible to open this class.

New housing under construction 50m from the school is still emerging!

We still deplore fewer resources for schools.

We should not favor aesthetics (magnificent new school) to the detriment of human resources. The adults of tomorrow need teachers, Aeshs, atsems, after-school leaders….

The lack of some impacts the working conditions of others!

However, inclusion requires ways to avoid dragging down our schools and retaining our courageous teachers.

Aggressiveness on the rise, difficult neighborhood (Rep) with many families in difficulty or difficult. Numerous MDPH notifications (10
AESH), Rased network with reduced staff, school nurse present at best 2 1/2 days per week…

This opening of classes is essential to maintain a suitable school climate conducive to good learning for our children with bearable working conditions for the teaching team, extracurriculars and other adults present in our schools.



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