Passerelle de la Madeleine: a first step

Passerelle de la Madeleine: a first step
Passerelle de la Madeleine: a first step

Residents of the area should not rejoice too quickly when they see the work on the Madeleine footbridge. These are only safety works. “We’re just talking about laying nets,” says the mayor of Albi, Stéphanie Guiraud-Chaumeil.

We are still far from being able to cross the railway tracks again. But after years of waiting, this is a first step. “We can finally intervene”, rejoices the mayor, who in passing, launches a little dig at the SNCF. “The SNCF has been telling us for years that it is dangerous, but we could not make it safe,” she explains. And to move the matter forward, the Agglo agreed to pay the bill. The structure was closed in 2019 for security reasons. The railway company had advocated its destruction. But the city wants to restore it.

The footbridge is very useful. It allows residents of the Rue du capitaine Julia district to come to La Madeleine, particularly to the shops. The issue is all the more important today with the closure of the Pont Vieux and the introduction of the electric shuttle that can be taken from the station to go to the city centre.



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