“Rallye”, the only surviving sheep, was found by the municipal police

“Rallye”, the only surviving sheep, was found by the municipal police
“Rallye”, the only surviving sheep, was found by the Laval municipal police

“She managed to escape and lots of people mobilized to save her. » Rallythe sheep of Mayenne breeder Aurélie Roy, was recovered by the municipal police. She is the only survivor of the four pregnant eco-grazing ewes that had disappeared. Saturday November 16, 2024, the three others were found with their throats slit and dismembered near the land where they were grazing in the Grenoux district. The breeder had noticed their disappearance the day before, Friday.

As early as Thursday, a resident had seen Rally wandering in the middle of a residential area. Other reports came in later. Friday, two municipal police officers and an animal pound agent went to the site of the former Corbineau barracks, following a new call.

A rescue with the big ladder

At the sight of them, the animal showed off but ultimately found itself stuck at the top of a 4 meter embankment. The municipal police had to climb to reach her and immobilized her using a net. The sheep weighing more than 70 kg, they called the firefighters to lower it down on a stretcher with the large ladder. Six firefighters were mobilized to bring down the animal, which was in good health.

The breeder will file a complaint after the death of the three other sheep

The pound led Rally at the Desnoé animal park, in Saint-Berthevin, while waiting to find its official owner. But Aurélie Roy did not immediately learn the good news since the sheep was returned to its first owner, who lives in . “A priori, there was an administrative error”explains the Mayennaise, who is the third owner of Rally. Despite all these adventures, Aurélie Roy remains confident: “She’s in good hands and I’m going to get her back.” »

Concerning the three sheep killed, Aurélie Roy must go to the Laval police station this Monday to file a complaint for acts of cruelty towards animals and theft.



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