La Tamiserie, unique longevity

The last artisanal sieve mill in France changed ownership and address in January 2024. From Châtellerault, Florian Houdmon intends to perpetuate a tradition dating back almost two centuries.

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The premises are large, bright and lively. In the Afpa premises, on the Manu site, in Châtellerault, the last artisanal sieving mill in France has landed since last January, taken over by a local from the stage. Florian Houdmon bought the artisanal business from Marie-Annick Bruneau-Joubert, established in Valdivienne, who carried the torch for almost twenty years while La Tamiserie has 174 years of life on its clock! This longevity commands admiration and seduced the native of Nantes, a graphic designer for eighteen years in the communications department of the City of Châtellerault. “For three years, I had been looking for a new activity and I came across the sieve mill by chance while visiting a farm…”

Back to basics

The little seed sown on the Senillé-Saint-Sauveur farm germinated, to the point that Florian rediscovered his first love: wood. “I attended a cabinetmaking school in Rennes, before turning to industrial design, then graphics. Working with my hands again makes sense”, insists the father. In four months, the sieve maker has already manufactured a thousand specimens of different sizes (15 to 50cm in diameter) and with adjustable stainless steel screens depending on the sector of activity. Professionals in agriculture, construction, catering and archeology are among its main customers. But it happens that the neo-artisan receives unusual requests. Like that from the chauvinist theater company Le Loup qui lisp, wishing to create a show with sieves symbolizing the stars.

In short circuit

Over an entire year, La Tamiserie manufactures around 3,000 pieces to order, all without the use of machines.“The Civaux power plant can shut down, I will be able to continue my activity! » To be prepared and assembled, bodies, leaves, nets and stainless steel canvases only require a battery-powered screwdriver and some skill. The beech circles come from Italy, the stainless steel canvases from Belgium and the Netherlands… for now. Because the entrepreneur has established contacts with the Giron company, 100 years of activity in Châtellerault, a recognized specialist in screening fabrics. This “short circuit” dimension pleases Florian Houdmon, who collects his shipping boxes from the Prairies de la Gartempe, in Vicq-sur-Gartempe, collects his scraps of wood to light the fire… Here, nothing is lost , everything perpetuates itself.

More information on Contact: 06 73 93 04 12.



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