Yvonand gets a logo

Yvonand gets a logo

Published today at 4:32 p.m. Updated 1 minute ago

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Gone are the ancient coat of arms of the Commune – a scale held above an oak tree, flanked by two stars – on its communications. Yvonand adopts a visual identity for the first time. This circular logo schematizes the view from its sandy shores, the waters of Lake Neuchâtel and the shadow of the Jura, all surrounded by a reed, a plant typical of Grande Cariçaie. The Tapa-Sabllia Municipality considers this illustration “modern, representative of the strong symbols of the Municipality, original and gentle”. The image will be used from July 1, particularly for passing tourists, as well as on new wine glasses.

Fabien Lapierre has been a 24-hour journalist since 2022, for the Vaud & Régions section. Based in Yverdon, it mainly covers news from Northern Vaud. Graduated from the Lille School of Journalism in 2010, he worked for television, behind and in front of the camera.More informations @fabienlapierre

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