Attractiveness, transition, medical desertification… Researchers will examine Bourges More on the theme of health

Attractiveness, transition, medical desertification… Researchers will examine Bourges More on the theme of health
Attractiveness, transition, medical desertification… Researchers will examine Bourges More on the theme of health

Health was chosen as the theme of this triennial convention. A crucial area for the Bourges conurbation. See you in 2026.

The day after the community council, which will take place this Thursday, June 27, a three-year agreement will be signed. In May 2023, the Bourges Plus agglomeration community was asked to join the so-called Popsu research program, a platform for observing urban projects and strategies.

This platform is supported by the public interest group Europe for architectural projects (Gip Epau) and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion.

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This program is designed to combine scientific knowledge with operational expertise to ultimately produce localized research.
Bourges plus did not wait for this convention to work on transition, attractiveness, planning and solidarity with its territorial project which dates from 2021.

Like the work in favor of higher education and applied research programs, the urban community has decided to participate in this territorial platform on the theme of health.

As the territory is faced with medical desertification as well as the aging of its population coupled with the departure of young people who seek university training elsewhere, the urgency of finding solutions for the future is crucial. Gérard Santosuosso, vice-president of Bourges Plus in charge of contractualization and health, is optimistic.

Nothing is impossible and this platform can give us wings. Basically, we are not stupider than others, he emphasizes.

Before thinking about what comes next, things have already been done, such as the relocation of nursing training institutes (Ifsi). “The Bourges hospital will ensure that the diplomas of foreign people are validated,” he indicates, referring to the start of an occupational therapy school in September and the hopes placed on robotics in terms of surgery. at the Jacques-Cœur hospital center.

Seventeen researchers on reflection

If the platform for observing urban projects and strategies is in its fourth edition, this is the first time that the small and medium-sized towns of Berry have followed suit. The agreement which will be signed on Thursday also brings into the loop other urban communities or municipalities such as Châteauroux Métropole, Cœur de France, Terres du Haut Berry, Val de l’Indre Brenne, Levroux Boischaut Champagne, the University of Orleans…

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Seventeen researchers, lawyers, political scientists, psychologists, sociologists, geographers and planners will work to produce a copy at the end. The agreement provides for a contribution from local public partners of 67,500 euros to finance research activities and their valorization. Bourges Plus will thus participate in this three-year program to the tune of 20,000 euros. 5,000 euros this year, 9,000 euros in 2025 and 6,000 euros in 2026.

“Obviously, we are trying to ensure that the regional health agency gives us the means to make our hospital university-based to maintain our students in Bourges. We are also ready to make financial efforts,” indicates Gérard Santosuosso, who underlines how this project is linked to national solidarity and Berry identity at the same time.

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Francois Lesbre
[email protected]



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