a “citizen” call to block the RN

June 25, 2024

Will the surprise “Joelle Melin” elected National Rally deputy in 2022 in a duet against NUPES be confirmed in the coming days? The new Popular Front is mobilizing to reverse the trend while in La Ciotat, the RN vote came close to 40% during the last European elections.

Five days before the legislative elections in the ninth constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône bringing together the canton of Aubagne-La Ciotat, a petition posted online on the “Mes Opinions” site is attracting attention.

The signatories, from civil society, in particular associations, as well as citizens engaged on the left of the political spectrum, express their support for the creation of the New Popular Front, this time the nominated candidate is a socialist Ciotaden.


The initiators of the petition underline the history of La Ciotat, marked by the diversity of origins of its inhabitants, which they consider to be an asset. They call for upholding the values ​​of generosity and openness to build a desirable future.

The petition also warns against the National Rally, “extreme right party, described as a direct threat to the republican values ​​of liberty, equality and fraternity” according to them. The signatories believe that “the victory of the Popular Front is essential to continue the fights for a more just, sustainable and respectful society.”

The authors of the petition call for a massive mobilization on June 30 and July 7, urging the inhabitants of La Ciotat to vote for the New Popular Front led by Bernard Orgolou-Oglou, which they see as the only way to defend a promising future of hope and emancipation.

Photo : ©DR – (X)

The editorial



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