Yannick Cahuzac extends to Lorient

Yannick Cahuzac extends to Lorient
Yannick Cahuzac extends to Lorient

According to our information, the former SCB Bastia midfielder has extended his contract with the Merlus staff for two seasons, while Olivier Pantaloni takes the reins of the team.

Uncertainty hung over the rest of Yannick Cahuzac’s career:

The 39-year-old Corsican, who joined FC Lorient in the last winter transfer window, as assistant to Régis Le Bris, won over the staff, the squad and the supporters with his professionalism and his fighting spirit.

But he had only signed for six months, and his contract ended when FC Lorient was unable to avoid relegation to L2, and Régis Le Bris headed to England, and to the club from Sunderland.

Relegation, change of coach… So many parameters that shake up the composition of a staff. In addition, certain rumors were circulating around the Moustoir stadium, suggesting that Yannick Cahuzac was considering continuing his career elsewhere.

But the arrival of Olivier Pantaloni, who signed up for two years with the Breton club, has apparently cleared up the situation.

The one who coached the ACA for thirteen seasons and the one who wore the SCB jersey, of which he was captain, for twelve seasons, are far from being strangers to each other.

And it seems that the prospect of working together, after having been adversaries for a long time, appealed to both men.

According to our information, Yannick Cahuzac has therefore signed up with the Merlus for a period of two years, like Olivier Pantaloni.



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