“Sleep in” = sleep long, get up late

“Sleep in” = sleep long, get up late
“Sleep in” = sleep long, get up late

The Flea in the ear.

Bonjour Lucie.

Bonjour Pascal.

Is yawns, is me wake up, has less what is put me to sleep.

Oh the naughty! Dis All of suite what mes chronicles are soporific, has less maybe what YOU have just envy of faire the grasse morning. SO I have a question pour YOU to go out of your torpor Pascal, Why dit-on grasse morning? who is it what the gras a has faire In nos stories?

Bah, on do of gras in dormant.

Ah, interesting. Bon, on in parle All of suite with Jean Pruvost, more avant THE propositions…

…of the children.

The grasse morning, is think what That would leave In two sens. And sens Or It is gras, or t’es and little a sort of boule of fat. T’es calm, il y a person pour the to disturb, tu thirst. Tu n’as not of obligation what, tu do ce what tu want, SO tu the rest. When It is the matin et tu thirst until late. Or SO the grace as In the side and little gracious, et the grasse morning, is think what It is the morning graceful. Grasse, moi is think what It is not the grace, more It is the opposite, It is the fat quoi. Because what often When on there, on snores or SO on slap of the dents SO It is not gracious. SO moi is am Really not of All All right, To be. SO To be. Wow

Flea in the ear.

Bonjour Jean.

Bonjour Lucie.

SO faire a grasse morning, a reaction to propositions of ces children ?

Bon SO all ont Understood what it was sleep a long time.

We feel that they practice sleeping in.

Afterwards, they hesitated in between Effectively THE homonyms, the grace, it was very pretty has entendre, il must the dire. J’y you’ll think NOW When is do the grasse morning, is will say: It is mon moment gracious, more It is not That. Et Then Also gras, the side and little confortable When even, of a fat, on grows. Il must to have in head what pendant a long time, it was bon signe of grow bigger. SO, il y a a petite girl When even Who it non, That n’a Nothing of gracious. Is believe what To be, elle We hands over on the Good way.

So this it, il y a several hypotheses on the origin of this expression, ” The grasse morning.” SO from where That come ? For what grasse ?

SO First of all, moi, pendant a long time, with a lot of livres, il y a a lot of dictionaries Who the said, Who n’ose plus announce it NOW, I had a explication scholarly Who was what, au AVERAGE Age, il y had a declination, SO of the Adjectives, of the noms, et than to ce subject, on had the « grands morning.” Grand, ils gave and S behind, That gave the « grands morning”, et deformed, That gave the grasse morning. SO It is ce that we a pu lire et that we lit encore Sometimes, more on sait Today what It is completely faux. Et on said Also sleep the grasse morning, SO all the morning. SO in do, on its preview what THE Romans déjà used the against « crassus », Who a given the dirt, more Who a given Also grasse, fat, greasy, pour some chose of fort.

Of strong et thick.

And thick, voilà. Et SO on East instead In the idea.

And fat.

Here it is, from the thick morning, with this idea what In the fond, grow bigger In son lit was not not negative. SO Today, It is not a image Who We please, more sleep the grasse morning with did constantly. SO chez Furetière, I have find ceci Who East When even very unpleasant, more Really, the XVIIᵉ century was not not tender with THE dames, et Then it was what of the men Who wrote of the dictionaries. SO Furetière, In son Dictionary universal in 1690, écrit Morning, space of jour until midi, THE women pass all the morning has get dressed or has sleep the grasse morning. Bon, SO That…

It was pour justify in some sort THE curves that they displayed has the time.

Voilà, voilà.

Et Then It is TRUE that with this history of gras, of grasse morning, That returns Also has some chose of mou, enveloping, as par example, could being the comforter. The idea of a morning voluptuous.

Oui, It is Really That. A chose as and lit, and lit soft, a morning thick. Et All has time, the idea of soleil was enough belle because what, on l’a it Also, sleep until soleil.

Oui, because what the grasse morning, That wanna not necessarily dire sleep a long time, That wanna dire that we stay In son lit, awake or not, et that in All cas, on takes of bon temps.

SO, il must maybe dire Also what the grasse morning, That depends of the gens. Moi is me survey all THE days has 5 h, SO When is me survey has 8 h, I have do the grasse morning.

Thank you Jean in All cas to be got out of your lit pour come We explain the sens of this expression. Is remember to listeners what YOU come of faire appear « The feminine au fil of the mots et of the story ” to editions Tallandier, et what YOU are also the godfather of nouveau Petit Larousse. YOU can find this Chip Thus what all THE previous in podcast on the site of RFI more Also on the site the francaisfacile.rfi.fr. HAS very Soon around of a new expression.



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