Legislative: “Shame, fear but hope”, says André Billardon

Legislative: “Shame, fear but hope”, says André Billardon
Legislative: “Shame, fear but hope”, says André Billardon
Shame, fear but hope
On the evening of the European election, when the results were announced at Le Creusot, I felt shame and
of fear.
Shame, because for decades with many of you, and with responsibility, I have tried
to act so that the National Front and its heir the National Rally do not prosper.
But now this extreme right is reaching heights, and I felt ashamed,
And also fear, because the prospect of seeing all the hatred, all the rejection of
the other and so much incompetence, makes me fear the worst for my country.

Faced with this immense danger, I have no right to remain silent. And I say with all my might
: let us pull ourselves together and seek, in our diversity and with our love for here, the ways
with a start.
I do not believe that this lies in the choice to represent us of a rebellious, close
disciple of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whose excesses, nauseating remarks and
While we must come together to maintain the chances of a future for our city,
for our territory, I invite everyone to carefully weigh the seriousness of their choice.
Rémy Rebeyrotte and Daniele Picard, close to everyone, serving as many people as possible, have
represented with dignity thanks to their work.
They undoubtedly did not succeed in everything but they were up to the challenges of the time.
Two examples among many others. Daniele Picard, with his presence and his empathy,
carried out social files with exemplary dedication.
Rémy Rebeyotte has constantly supported the development of nuclear power, so emblematic and
decisive for here, and that the election of a rebel would seriously threaten.
I trust Rémy Rebeyrotte and Daniele Picard and I invite you to do the same.
I will never resign myself to seeing our constituency represented by an extremist MP
when we so need common sense, moderation and unity.
By making this choice that I wish to share with you, I am making that of hope.

André Billardon


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